Looking Back, Looking Forward

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Ever since that night at the Regal something had shifted. Solveigh couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something had definitely changed. For one, she and Trey were talking again. Well, sort of. He had said hello that Monday after the show.

Maybe some would have taken it as a good sign, but Sol couldn't help but hear it as the final nail in the coffin. Maybe the words had just been words, a way of working through the pain. Sol didn't regret going to hear him, though. She would much rather be Trey's friend than his enemy.

That wasn't the only thing that had changed; over the past couple weeks she had been spending more time with Elias. Ever since that day in the park, in fact. Elias was funny and kind and easy to talk to, and Solveigh genuinely enjoyed being around him, but she didn't know how she felt about him. She couldn't deny that she liked him, but as more than a friend, she wasn't sure.

Still, when Elias had asked her if she wanted to meet up over the holidays, Sol had said yes. Her parents were making a big fat deal about it, but Sol didn't really bother to correct them. Sure, Elias hadn't used the word date, but Sol could read between the lines. She could tell when someone was interested in her; she just didn't know if she felt the same way.

So it was with a mixture of anxiety and excitement that Sol woke up Saturday morning. Even though Elias wasn't supposed to pick her up until noon, she was up at the crack of dawn and ready to go before breakfast. After running her hand over her hair one last time to make sure every strand was in place, Sol made her way out to the kitchen.

"You look lovely, Sunny," her mom said as she sat down and the table.

"Thanks, Mom," Sol said. "I wasn't completely sure everything matched."

"You look fine, sis," Jacen said from beside her. Then he added, "Speaking of your big date, what time was Elias supposed to pick you up again?"

Sol restrained herself from rolling her eyes. "Noon."

"Perfect!" Jacen exclaimed. "You won't miss it, then."

"Miss what?" Sol asked.

Her brother just elbowed her playfully. "You'll just have to wait and see."

Sol elbowed him back. "This had better be good."

"Trust me," he replied. "It'll be worth it."

Just then the doorbell rang and Jacen said, "Perfect timing. I'll get it."

A few minutes later two sets of footsteps returned and Sol heard her mother say, "Aimee! What a lovely surprise. Please, sit down"

"Thank you, Mrs. Winters," Aimee said, sliding into the seat across from Sol.

"Denise, please," Sol's mother said. "We're practically family."

"Alright... Denise," Aimee said with a light laugh. Then she touched Sol's hand and said, "Hey, Sol. It's been ages."

Sol gave her future sister-in-law's hand a squeeze. "I know. We really need to be better about that."

"We really do," Aimee replied.

There was a moment of silence before Jacen asked, "Is Dad around?"

"I think he was in his office," Mom answered.

Sol raised an eyebrow. "He's working on a Saturday?"

"That's what I said, but he said he had to get this done," her mom said with a sigh. "But I'll go get him."

Her mother's footsteps receded out of the room and few minutes later Sol caught the sound of her parents' voices in the hall. "It was just one thing, Denise...," her dad was saying, but her mom stopped him.

"I know, Logan, but this won't take long."

"Yeah," Jacen said, his voice teasing. "I promise you'll be in and out."

Dad just sighed good-naturedly and said, "Take your time, son. The paperwork will keep."

Jacen clapped his hands together authoritatively. "Well, if everyone will please take a seat..."

Once everyone was settled around the kitchen table, Sol said, "So... will you let us in on the secret now, Jace?"

Her brother chuckled. "Yes, little sister. You can know the secret now." He then said in a more normal voice, "The reason I asked you all to be here today is because Aimee and I have finally settled on a date."

"Oh!" Sol's mother exclaimed happily. "When is it?"

"Valentines Day," Aimee replied. "We know it's a little short notice, but we already pretty much knew what we wanted."

"It's not a problem at all," Sol's mother said. "That's more than enough time, right Logan?"

"Oh, yes," Dad replied. "Of course, I am not the wedding planning expert."

"A month and a half should be plenty of time," Solveigh spoke up. "Unless you guys are really indecisive."

Aimee laughed. "I certainly hope I don't become one of those brides who drives everyone nuts because she doesn't know what she wants."

Sol grinned widely. "Oh, I wasn't worried about you," she said. "I was worried about him."

"Ouch," Jacen said in hurt voice.

"Don't start you two," Mom scolded. "We have a wedding to plan..."

Solveigh smiled as the conversation whirled around her. It didn't make her own problems any smaller, but it did make her happy knowing her brother was going to be happy. Speaking of her own problems, though, she still had to meet Elias for lunch.

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