The Question

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"You know, I wasn't totally sure you would actually show today."

Sol turned face Elias' voice and raised an eyebrow. "What kind of flake do you think I am?"

"I didn't mean it like that!" he exclaimed quickly. "I just meant... I know I kinda went out on a limb asking you out, and I was a little worried you only said yes to spare my feelings."

His words hit a little closer to home than was comfortable, but not exactly how he thought. "Give yourself a little bit of credit," Sol said with a smile. "Besides, I'm not the kind of girl to string a guy along just for fun."

There was a note of relief in Elias' voice as he said, "I never believed that. I just wasn't sure if I was butting my way in too soon after... you know."

Sol smiled and shook her head. "It's okay. I needed someone to pull me out of my own head."

"Glad to be of service, my lady," Elias replied smoothly.

Sol threw back her head and laughed. "Thank you, kind sir."

"You're so beautiful when you laugh."

It felt like the air had sort of been sucked out of her lungs, and Sol could only stammer, "Wh- what?"

"Oh! Uh... I didn't, um..." Sol felt the car swerve a little as Elias stumbled over his words. "That just sort of came out..."

"Do you really mean that?" Sol asked slowly when she finally found her voice.

When Elias finally did answer his voice was more confident. "I do. I hope I didn't cross the line there."

"No...," Sol said quietly. "No, it's okay."

There was a slightly awkward silence before Sol heard Elias take a breath. "Well, this isn't exactly how I was picturing this... but since I've started I might as well finish."

"Finish what?" Sol asked, even though she was pretty sure what was coming.

Elias took another nervous breath. "Okay... I'm just going to say it. I like you Solveigh; I've liked you since I first met you, but I never really thought I had a chance."

"Until now...," Sol said quietly.

"Until now," Elias echoed. "I didn't want to make it seem like I was taking advantage of the situation, but I was afraid, if I never said anything, the moment would be gone for good."

"Elias..." Sol's voice came out as a sort of squeak.

"I know," he said before she could get anything else out. "I should have just kept my mouth shut. It's too soon and now I've messed everything up."

"Elias," Sol said in a firmer voice. "You didn't do anything wrong, and you are the last person on this planet who would ever take advantage of my emotions..."

"I'm sensing a 'but'," Elias said, a touch of irony in his voice.

Sol smiled a little in spite of herself. "But I just done know how I feel yet. I like you, I really do, but I don't know if I'm ready to be more than friends. I really hope you understand."

She felt Elias touch her arm. "I understand," he said. "All I want is for you to be happy so if you need time thing, I'll give you all the time in the world."

Sol reached up to give his hand a squeeze. "Thank you, Elias. And I promise I won't leave you hanging."

"You don't have to rush," he said, returning her squeeze. "I'd rather wait for the right answer than get the wrong on in a hurry."

"Isn't that from a movie?"

She felt Elias shrug. "Probably. I'm not that poetic on my own."

Sol laughed, but then her voice became serious again. "But seriously... I'm not going to leave you hanging."

"Then I will wait with baited breath."

Sol grinned as she settled back in her seat. It wasn't hard to picture herself with Elias, but it wasn't that long ago that it was impossible to imagine herself with anyone but Trey by her side. Why did letting go have to be so hard? What was it about human nature that made it so hard to move on?

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