Hope Never Dies

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By Saturday afternoon, though, Sol was feeling a little less confident than she had sitting on the curb the day before. But she'd already told Lloyd and Tiana she was coming, and now Cat said she wanted to come too. So, by the laws of pure pressure, Sol couldn't back out now.

"Solveigh!" Her mom's voice made her jump.

"Yes, Mom?" Sol shouted back.

"Mrs. Carter just pulled up outside."

"Okay, I'm coming." With a sigh, Solveigh pushed herself off the couch and felt her way to the front door. Persephone barked excitedly, but Sol just scratched her head. "Sorry, girl. No dogs allowed this time."

With that she called goodbye to her mom and slipped out the door. It was Cat who met her about halfway down the driveway. "I thought you were driving yourself," Sol said after hugging her friend.

"My sister got called into work at the last minute," Cat replied with a huff. "So I had to let her have the car."

"Dawson wasn't able to give you a ride?"

"He was working too!" Cat exclaimed. Then she laughed. "But it's fine. I mean, I'm here, right?"

"True that," Sol replied with a grin.

Once Sol was squeezed into the back seat of Mrs. Carter's car with Cat and Tiana, they were off. Despite having to battle rush hour traffic, the actually made it to their destination in good time. Finding a parking spot was a little bit more challenging, though. By the time they managed to find one and make their way back up the street, the DJ was announcing the next act.

"As you all know," the man began as they slipped into their seats. "We here at The Regal pride ourselves in our local flavor. This includes welcoming many hometown acts, and tonight we have one from just a few minutes down the road. Let's give a warm round of applause for Trey Bauer!"

Sol joined the room in clapping enthusiastically as, she assumed, Trey took the stage. Once the applause died away, Trey said, "Thank you, guys. It's an honor to get to play for you all tonight. I just hope you walk out of here tonight thinking this was a good use of your Saturday."

Sol leaned over and tapped Cat on the shoulder. "Does he look nervous? He sounds nervous."

There was a pause before Cat whispered back, "Actually, not really. He's got a good poker face."

Before she could think of response, the music started and Sol leaned back to listen. Any trace of nerves was gone from Trey's voice as he started to sing. Sol found herself spellbound.

Drifting... how did I get here?
Lost in my feelings, can't find a way out
Playing back time in my mind
Until I find the moment...

Summer sun was hot on my skin, but it couldn't break through the ice inside
So long since I felt anything 'cause the pain doesn't hurt so bad when you feel nothin' at all
The view never changed, it was safer that way
But one word was all it took...
For me to choose you

Now it feels like I'm drowning, but please don't ever change
Keep pulling me in 'till I can't find my way back, oh
Shatter the walls of my heart and make it your own
Even if it hurts me, don't ever let go

Autumn air was cool to the touch, but it couldn't tame the fire inside
I feel it all now, oh, the good and the bad, 'cause it's so much better than nothin' at all
Every day brings something new; maybe it's dangerous
But one word was all it took...
For me to choose you

Now it feels like I'm drowning, but please don't ever change
Keep pulling me in 'till I can't find my way back, oh
Shatter the walls of my heart and make it your own
Even if it hurts me, don't ever let go

Frozen rain on my clothes, but now there's no fire to keep me warm
I don't know what to feel since I let you go
For a moment I looked back to when I was safe in the dark
Maybe it was dangerous, oh, maybe it was wrong, maybe I just fell for the siren's song
But one word was all it took for me to choose you

Now it feels like I'm drowning, why'd I have to change?
I fell so far I can't find my way back
Let you shatter the walls of my heart and take it for your own
Even thought it hurt me, I let you go

I turn to tell you our view will never change, but I know you're already gone
'Cause just for a moment I let your hand go, and you slipped away, left me alone
Sometimes I wish I could go back and skip all the pain
But if I'm being honest, even thought it hurt...
One word is all it would take for me to choose you

Drifting, I know how I got here
Still lost in my feelings, can't find a way out
Playing back time in my mind
'Till I find the moment...

The room erupted into applause as Trey's voice trailed away, but Sol was frozen, the words echoing inside her mind. It was their story... hers and Trey's... in each wonderful, painful detail. Hope began to whisper in the depths of her heart, but the doubts were so loud. He didn't really mean it, they shouted at her. And even if he did, who's to say it won't come crashing down again. A bone broken is shattered easier the next time, after all. Just keep walking, it's not worth the risk of getting your heart broken again.

"But what if it is?" she whispered.

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