A Light In The Darkness

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* Author's Note *
To make up for not updating in forever (and because this is the final chapter) I'm giving you an extra long chapter. There will be an epilogue, though, so the story isn't completely over. I'll try not to make you guys wait as long for that :)


Normally, Solveigh wasn't a morning person, but the next morning she was up and out of bed almost immediately. Her parents were still out cold, a side effect of being out past midnight the day before, so she tried to hurry through her morning routine as quickly as possible.

The task was made harder by the fact that she was so nervous she felt like throwing up. Needless to say, Sol didn't eat very much at breakfast. Once she was done pretending to eat her toast, Sol clipped Persephone into her harness and waited for Cat's text. For once in her life, Sol was glad for her friend's obsessive punctuality because, no sooner had she sat down, her phone dinged.

Making sure to lock the door on the way out, Sol made her way down the driveway. "Thanks for doing this," she said as she climbed into the passenger's seat. "I know all you probably wanted to do was sleep."

Cat laughed good-naturedly as she pulled away from the curb. "Sleep is great and all, but if you think I'm going to sit idly by while my best girl needs help, you've got another thing coming."

"Still...," Sol said with a smile. "Thank you."

Cat gave her hand a squeeze. "Hey, no problem, girl."

The rest of the drive went by in silence, as Sol became lost in her own thoughts. Silently stroking Persephone's head, she imagined everything being okay again. Just like it used to be; before everything came crashing down. Sol knew it was dangerous to get her hopes up, but she couldn't stop herself.

Her confidence faltered a little as they pulled up to the pier, though. Cat seemed to sense her shift in mood because she put a hand on Sol's shoulder and said, "I'm sure he'll be there."

"You think so?" Sol asked quietly.

"My gut tells me he'll show," Cat replied. "And you know my gut is hardly ever wrong."

Despite her nerves, Sol couldn't help but laugh. "True that." Then she took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

With that she gathered Persephone's lead and climbed out of the car. Sol felt herself trembling as she let Cat lead her towards the pier. Whether it was from fear or excitement, though, she couldn't tell. "Any sign of him?" she asked as they stopped at the end of the pier.

"Not yet," Cat murmured.

For several moments there was just the sound of the ocean then Cat patted Sol's arm. "I'll be waiting in the car. Just holler if you need me."

Sol's mouth was too dry to speak so she just nodded. Once the sound of her friend's footsteps had faded away, she slowly made her way to the end of the pier. The morning air was cool, but she could feel the warmth of the sun on her face as it crept higher into the sky.

As the minutes ticked by, Sol's excitement began to wane. Finally, with a small sigh, she reached down to stroke Persephone's head. "I guess he isn't coming," she murmured.

"Do you really think so little of me?"

"Trey?!?" Sol gasped, almost losing her balance as she whirled around.

"The one and only." Trey's words were lighthearted, but his tone was uncertain.

It took Sol a moment to calm her racing thoughts, but she finally managed to say, or more accurately stammer, "I... um... didn't think you would come... after everything..."

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