Part 16

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Strongarm was pinned against the ground viciously. Blades caught a scratched out Decepticon insignia flash by the corner of his optic. He choked as he heard the con chuckle. It was difficult to recognize him with the exposed and damaged circuitry. Energon stained his frame, but that was nothing compared to the fact that he still stands. The con traced a digit across Strongarm's chassis, as she tried to kick him off. Blades froze and tried to clear his processor.

"Get off me!"Strongarm scowled, as she felt the con press his derma across hers.

Blades clenched his fist in rage. He wasn't going to stand by and let that decepticreep get away with anything again, because he's not going to hurt Strongarm. Wearing his visor he charged at the con angrily.

"Leave her alone!" he remarked, punching the mech with all he had. Blinding light soon flashed before his optics. Darkness. It enveloped him in a conscious state. He looked around frightfully.

"H-hello?" he called out weakly. His optics began to drowse as he closed them, embracing himself in the darkness. Blades opened his optics tiredly, something red appearing in his blurry vision.

"Hang in there guys." a calming voice assured. Blades smiled softly, looking up to see Sideswipe carrying him and Strongarm.

"Sideswipe, is Strongarm okay?" Blades asked worriedly, only a small smile was given to him in return. The copter felt his spark warmed up a bit, having hope in Sideswipe. As they arrived at the scrapyard, Sideswipe brought them into an unfamiliar berthroom but Blades soon realized that it was the red mech's room. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud it was quite messy. Sideswipe had let go of Blades, soon laying Strongarm gently on his berth.

"Blades ... I..." Sideswipe said, struggling to make optic contact with the copter.

"It's okay Sideswipe. I forgive you." Blades replied comfortingly, leaning in to hug him. Sideswipe hesitantly returned the hug, but he was grateful to know someone as awesome as Blades. The red mech's spark regretted what he had done, but that's in the past now.

"What happened back there?" Blades questioned, fear slowly rising in his spark. Sideswipe looked away, trembling against the copter. Blades continued hugging Sideswipe until they heard someone groan. They immediately turned their helms to see Strongarm sitting up. Sideswipe rushed over, caressing Strongarm's faceplates. Blades grinned as they gazed into each other's optics lovingly. Strongarm looked behind the red mech to see Blades with a smug face, but she just smiled instead of being embarrassed.

"Thank the all spark you're alright." Sideswipe said playfully kissing Strongarm's faceplates. Strongarm motioned for the copter to come over. Once he was close enough she pulled them both in for a hug.

"Thank you, guys. I'm so glad to have both of you in my life, even if one of you gets on my nerves." Strongarm whispered as she let go of Blades to kiss Sideswipe.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it."Blades said, making his way out of the room, "Oh and one more thing: No sparkling making alright!" Though he couldn't see it he knew that both of their faceplates were as blue as a blueberry. Blades intake, still puzzling over what had happened earlier. Maybe he was just seeing things. Maybe it was just another con. He shoved those thoughts away, perhaps maybe walking towards Bumblebee's berthroom himself.

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