Hello Orlando, Goodbye Sempiternal

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When I woke up Oli had already messaged me... "SEE YOU THIS AFTERNOON!" I smiled as I read it, he was obviously as excited to see me as I was to see him. "OMG!" I replied with lots of hearts. I got dressed and grabbed some breakfast and headed to the airport just after 9, and by 11am I was sitting on the plane, eagerly awaiting touching down again where Oli was. I landed a little earlier than expected and met my driver and he whisked me straight to the venue where Oli was already sound checking. I didn't message him to tell him I was going to be half an hour early, instead I just turned up and snuck in. It was just before 2pm when I arrived.

"Hiiiii!" I yelled out from the back of the venue as I walked in with my suitcase in tow. The guys were all up on the stage and Oli practically leapt down, jumped the barrier in one leap and started jogging toward me. I left my suitcase and put my arms out ready to wrap them around him. He was smiling massively at me as he arrived to me. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as I leaned in to kiss him. "I missed you so much!" I said, happily.
"Not as much as I missed you!" he replied, kissing me. God it felt so good to be back in his arms again. I let myself slide back to the floor and he took my hand – and my suitcase, and took me toward the stage. "Hey guys." I said with a smile as we approached. "Hey Joy." they all kind of replied at the same time. They asked how I'd been and I did the same as Oli just stood there holding my hand with a smile on his face. "We'll be back in an hour or so." Oli said to the guys and I kind of looked at him confused. I wasn't sure where we were going... and wasn't he meant to be sound checking? "We're leaving?" I asked.
"Yeah, the hotel is right across the road. We can leave for a bit and do my part later." he said with a smile as we walked across what would later be a crazy mosh pit. "We have to drop off your bag anyway, and I have something for you." he added. I didn't ask what, just squeezed his hand tighter.

As we left the venue via the loading dock and emerged into the hotel, I heard someone yell out Oli's name. I let go of his hand as I saw 2 girls in Bring Me The Horizon shirts practically sprinting toward us. They looked like they were about to cry as they stopped in front of Oli and started saying they were going to the show and saying "Oh my god" more than once in excitement. I just kind of smiled at the whole thing, and took a step back to let him do his thing. "Can we get a photo with you?" one of them asked him, which he happily – well at least pretend happily – obliged. "I can take it for you if you'd like." I said as the girl looked around for someone to help. I snapped photos for them and handed the phone back before one of the girls launched at Oli out of nowhere, hugging him and saying that he saved her life. I don't think Oli quite knew what to say, but he hugged her back before saying he would see them later at the show; a polite way of saying "I'm leaving now." One of the girls kind of gave me a funny look, but they thanked him as I took my suitcase and he just looked at me, and I knew that meant to follow him. He led me to the lifts and we stepped in as it arrived.

"Ughhh I'm sorry." he said, apologising for the moment.
"Don't be! It's sweet that you're so nice to your fans." I said with a smile. "I don't mind at all." I added.
"Do you think they realised?" he asked.
"Realised what?" I asked unsure what he was talking about.
"That we're together. We were holding hands." he said.
"Oh." I said. To be honest, I hadn't really thought about it or been worried. "Nah probably not." I added. It didn't really bother me that much if they did.

As the lift arrived on the seventh floor, Oli took my hand and my suitcase again and led me down the hallway. He swiped his keycard and pushed the door open for me and I stepped inside. The room was huge, with a gigantic bed, prints of musical instruments on the walls, and a huge bunch of pink roses on the table. I just stood there and watched as Oli went over and picked them up. "These are for you." he said with a smile as he handed them to me. My heart melted. "Awww... Oli. You didn't have to get me flowers." I said as I took them from him.
"I wanted to." he said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. God he was the sweetest sometimes. "Can I get you a drink? Are you hungry?" he asked as he headed to the mini bar. "I'm fine, thankyou." I replied as I put the roses back down on the table and walked over to him, wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm so happy I get to spend two whole weeks with you." I said as I stood there with my eyes closed and his arms wrapped around me. "Me too." he said.
"You know it feels strange knowing this is our last show." he confessed. "I know we're doing that VEVO one, but it's not like an actual show. It's like the end of an era." he added. I couldn't really imagine how it felt for him, but I squeezed him tighter.
"It is, and you're going to be amazing." I said reassuringly. He kissed my head and we just stood there hugging and swaying for a little while.
"Joy..." he said, suddenly breaking the silence. "I want to ask you something that might scare you." he said, releasing me a bit so he could look at me. I felt my heart speed up and a lump start building in my throat just hearing him say that. I stared up at him waiting for him to ask whatever it was that he wanted to ask.
"I was wondering if you would let me introduce you to my parents next week." he asked, his arms still around me. I just stared at him, and I would be lying if I said I didn't have a wave of sudden fear rush over my skin. "They want me to go for dinner, and I would really like to take you with me." he said. I let out a heavy breath and just looked at him.
"I've never really met anyone's parents before." I said nervously. It was the truth, I did meet my second boyfriends Dad once, but it was for literally half a minute and he was distracted with work anyway. "Really?" Oli asked, surprised.
"Yeah... and what if, what if they don't like me?" I asked. Oli smiled at me like he thought I was crazy.
"Joy, they will love you. Nobody could not like you... you're the sweetest, most caring person in the world." he said reassuringly. I still felt nervous.
"Do they know about London? That I was part of the reason all the bad stuff happened? What if they blame me?" I asked, all of my insecurities pouring out of my lips before I could even think about what I was saying. Oli frowned at me.
"Joy, nothing that I did was your fault. They know about all of it... and If it wasn't for you, god knows what life would be like right now." he said with a heavy exhale. "You did noting wrong. You forgave me and loved me after all of the things I did. If anything they would want to thank you and probably ask you if you're insane for being with me." he added. I just stared at him, I had to believe what he was saying and even though I was terrified, I had to do it at some time if I wanted to be with him long-term. "Tom will be there too, so it won't be so scary." he said trying to convince me.
"Ok." I said with a nod. "Well I would love to meet them if you want me to." I added, smiling at him. A huge smile appeared on his face and he kissed my forehead, obviously happy that I had agreed. This was another massive step, and I couldn't quite believe it was going to happen so soon, but I wasn't scared of things moving fast, just scared of what would happen if his parents didn't approve. "On second thought, maybe I'd like some alcohol." I said with a little laugh. He kissed me and let go, pulling a mini bottle of wine from the bar and opening it for me. "You really have nothing to be nervous about. They are going to adore you as much as I do." he said as he handed me the wine and kissed my forehead. 

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