Real Life

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I woke up to Oli stroking my arm ever-so lightly. "Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." he said softly as I opened my eyes and looked at him. I just smiled, I didn't even care, I just thought it was cute that he must have been laying there looking at me.
"Were you watching me sleep?" I asked.
"Maybe." he replied, unable to stop himself from grinning.
"Wow, you're such a creep." I joked before leaning over to kiss him. 

It was just after 9am, so we had actually managed a decent amount of hours sleep. He propped himself up on his arm and smiled at me. "Tom's coming over at 11." he said. "He's bringing the doggos back!" I just laughed at how excited he was. "Oh my God, I'm so excited for you to meet them." he said. "But anyway, maybe I should go out and get us something for breakfast." he suddenly said as his stomach growled. I must admit, I was kind of hungry too.
"What do you have in your kitchen? I can cook us something." I suggested.
"Mmmm... not much since I haven't been here. We'll definitely have to go to the shops." he said.
"Well look at us being all normal and domesticated." I laughed. He leaned in and kissed me and I climbed out of the bed. He pulled a shirt over his head as I followed him toward the door. "Take me to your kitchen!" I said as I jumped on his back. He laughed loudly and headed down the stairs with me hitching a ride.

"You know I really don't think you're going to find a whole lot other than beans and toast as an option." he said in amusement as he watched me rummage in his pantry. He was such a boy... a few snack items and the bare essentials but not a whole lot to make anything from.
"Alright, we need to go to the shops." I laughed.
"If I knew you were going to be with me, I would have made sure I had more stuff. I'm literally starving you right now." he said with a chuckle.
"Honestly, the fact that you have no ice-cream for me is quite upsetting." I said seriously with wide eyes, but obviously joking. He grabbed me around the waist and picked me up and waddled over awkwardly toward the stairs. "Go get dressed so we can go buy your fucking ice-cream." he said with a smile, then sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed and ran upstairs to get changed.

We headed out in Oli's car, only a few minutes down the road never-the-less to Tesco, one of the big English supermarkets. I guess there was the risk of either of us being recognised, but Oli had a hoodie on, and I was pretty sure nobody there was going to know who I was. He got a trolley and we headed straight for the fresh produce. He knew where all of the vegan stuff was, and even though I was only ever vegetarian before he came along, I was fine taking the next step to veganism for him. It's not like vegan chocolate and ice-cream didn't exist anyway. It might be another story if it didn't. He wouldn't let me split the cost of our massive haul of goods, which made me feel a little awkward but I guess it would even out eventually when he was in New York with me. We headed home and put the groceries away, and I prepped a huge fruit salad with coconut yoghurt and granola ready for lunch. "I'm going to be eating like a king with you here, aren't I?" he asked as he watched me working. "No beans on toast for me!" he laughed.
"Yes, I love cooking, and besides, no beans means you won't fart on me in bed." I said kind of without thinking. I guess it was a testament to how comfortable I was with him. He erupted in laughter, and his face was almost as if he couldn't believe I'd just said what I said. "Oh my God, I fucking love you." he said through laughter. "But to be fair, I would never fart directly on you." he said in defense with a chuckle. I just laughed and threw a blueberry at him. 

As 11am rolled around, Oli was clearly looking out for his brother to arrive with his dogs and he was crazy excited when his phone buzzed. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the front door as Tom drove in. I could already see the dogs; both on the front seat and wagging their tails because they could see Oli. I could totally relate to being excited to see him after time apart though. Two little dogs jumped out as he opened the door and went absolutely crazy as he sat down onto the grass. As I stood there watching them jump all over him and lick his face I just smiled; a man who loves animals is an attractive man in my eyes. I walked over and while his dogs were still more excited about having Oli back, I patted them and they ran around my legs too, jumping up for attention and wagging their tails like mad.
"Joy! It's so good to see you again!" Tom said as he wandered around to the passenger side of the car. I adored Tom, he always seemed so lovely and kind, and had always been so nice to me. "Oh my Gosh, this is so crazy!" I said with a huge smile as I walked over to hug him. "How are you?" I asked.
"I don't know, I wouldn't say crazy..." he said, letting go of me. "I mean, it's just like old times. Oh, and I'm good thanks," he laughed. Oli had since got up from the grass and came over to hug his brother too. We chatted for a few minutes and I invited him in for lunch, since I'd made a tonne of fruit salad anyway. We sat around talking and catching up on everything that had been happening, and I guess Tom was happy to see his brother smiling after all the mess from the last time I was there. After an hour or so, Tom said he had better get home, but since Oli had organised for all of us to go out with the rest of the guys and their girlfriends the following night, we'd be seeing him again soon.

I was relieved that Oli's dogs were just as happy cuddling up against me as they were him as we sat together on the couch, but he wanted to show me around Sheffield, so we bundled them up, grabbed jumpers and headed off in Oli's car. He drove around the city and pointed out places that he liked, or were interesting... a few vegan restaurants, shops, parks, the post office and banks, and the general direction of where his parents lived. He took me out to the Peaks District National Park which was about half an hour away so we could go for a walk and let his dogs run around 'to wear themselves out'. There was a river there, and lots of open grassy areas, as well as forest-like parts with walking tracks. "This is like my version of Central Park." he said as he took my hand and hung onto the dogs' leads in the other. "Just not as crowded." he said sticking out his tongue. We wandered down a path and I realised how normal life was at that moment, we were just two people, wandering around the countryside with their pets... A million miles away from New York, the noise, the paparazzi and the worries of life. "I just want to stay here with you forever." I said as I leant my head over onto his shoulder and smiled to myself. I was truly happy.

He let the dogs off their leads and found a stick to throw to them when we came to a huge grassy area. As the dogs went after it, he sat down against a rock and I sat in front of him, using his bent legs as armrests and his body as my backrest; exactly the same way I'd done on our first date in Central Park. He put his arms around me, letting go to throw the stick over and over as the dogs seemingly didn't get tired or bored of the game. "I love you." I said, looking up at him completely happy.
"You must be crazy." he said with a grin, before leaning down and kissing me. "but I love you too." he said as he sat back up to throw the stick once again. We sat there for about half an hour and he played with my hair and kissed me, and after a while I turned around and sat so I could kiss him, and sneakily put my hands up his shirt. "Your hands are fucking cold." he whinged as I slipped them between the fabric and his skin.
"You wouldn't care how cold they were if I was slipping them somewhere else!" I said jokingly.
"You're not wrong." he laughed, suddenly manouvreing us down onto the grass so he was kind of on top of me. "God you're sexy when you're being suggestive." he smiled before kissing me. He pulled away but I wasn't done yet, so I grabbed his hoodie to pull him back in close. "Mmmmm." he sounded, clearly liking my wanting him. It was only a few seconds before there was way too much tongue in the mix; with both of the dogs licking our faces as we made out. We both laughed and he tried to shoo them away to keep kissing me but they persisted. I couldn't stop laughing as he sat up and told them they were ruining the moment before throwing the stick to get rid of them. I sat up and put my arms around his waist and just laughed, it was actually such a cute moment. He called the dogs back and reattached their leads and we headed back to the car. It was so nice walking around in such a quiet place just holding his hand. "Ohhh!" he said out loud as we came toward the river. "We should make this our Sheffield love bridge!" he said as he pointed to a huge stone bridge just a hundred or so meters away. It was adorable that he remembered how much the tale of that silly bridge in Central Park meant to me.
"You know it melts my heart that you remember and play along with these sorts of things." I said as I squeezed his hand.
"What can I say, I love being in love with you." he said. It was corny and he stuck out his tongue, but I didn't care, for me it was adorable.
"Can you believe... the lead singer of this heavy, screamo band is actually the most sappy person walking the earth..." I said pretending to pay him out. He made a little fake offended noise and then grabbed me, pulled me in tight and kissed me.
"And can you believe the most beautiful girl in the world was actually crazy enough to fall in love with him?!" he asked comedically. I laughed and kind of half kissed, half sucked on his nose. "What the fuck?!" he exclaimed in shock as I did it.
"Just practicing my technique for later." I said with the sex eyes that I knew he liked as I wriggled out of his arms and started jogging toward the bridge. He just looked at me with wide-eyes for a second, but the dogs were already trying to go with me, so he started following. The bridge was only like 15 seconds jog away so as I got to it, I stopped and held out my hand. "You're so fucking naughty." he said as he breathed hard. He took my hand and we wandered across the bridge, then back again and we stopped in the middle so he could take a photo. First of us, then one with the dogs involved too. It was super cute and he said it was the first one for the wall.

We headed back to the car and drove back to Sheffield and I made him connect my phone so we could listen to Linkin Park like we had last year. He held my hand and rested it in my lap as we drove, and he pulled it up to his lips to kiss a couple of times. It was the first time anyone had done that to me and I can't explain why it was special, but it just was. He had become my happy place, and it didn't matter where in the world it was; wherever we were together was home.

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