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In 2018, Bring Me The Horizon wrote and recorded a new album. Joy worked a lot, but the newly-married couple managed to spend plenty of time together; including taking their belated honeymoon in the Maldives in January.

In February, Lee and Dani tied the knot in Sheffield, where Oli made a very handsome groomsman. Joy was also busy helping her best friend, Behati, organise her upcoming wedding in Los Angeles when she had time.

In March, while spending a week in Monaco with Joy for her birthday, Oli decided to change his look drastically; chopping off his famous long, brown hair, much to the distress of many fans. After explaining to Joy that he wasn't the "dark and unhappy" person he used to be, and Joy telling him she would love him regardless of his hairstyle, the trademark hair came off. He also bleached it blonde and dyed it pink, Joy's favourite colour.

In July, Oli opened his dream bar in Sheffield called 'Church'. It was a bar, vegan restaurant and concert venue all in one, and also housed a Drop Dead boutique and tattoo studio. Joy was incredibly proud that he'd accomplished yet another of his bucket list items, and helped him throw an opening party.

In August, Bring Me The Horizon released the first single from their upcoming album and played a surprise set at Reading festival to debut it live. Joy made sure she was there to celebrate the five year anniversary of the day they met and to support her husband and the rest of the band. Oli spent September and October finalising the new album, but he managed to join Joy in New York and then London for their respective fashion weeks. Joy flew back to Los Angeles straight after her last runway for Behati's bachelorette party, and Oli joined her a week later for the wedding. Behati married Travis**** on a beach in Malibu with Joy as her maid of honour, and of course, Joy cried.

In early November, Oli flew to New York to see Joy walk her 5th runway for the famous lingerie brand. She was front and centre now, one of the most famous models walking and commanding the spotlight. She loved doing the show, but after hearing some whispers about the company's reputation and receiving advice from Luiz, Joy decided to not renew her contract with the brand, turning down a 7-figure, 12 month deal. She walked her final runway with Oli cheering her on from the front row.

After New York, Oli flew back to Europe to begin Bring Me The Horizon's 'First Love' tour of Europe to promote the upcoming album. After a month on tour, Oli headed back to Sheffield where Joy joined him a couple of weeks later in mid-December. They spent Christmas and New Years together in Sheffield, a total of 7 weeks together – knowing that the New Year would be busy and that they wouldn't see each other as much as they'd like.

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