Chapter Twenty-Nine !

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   I woke up quickly the next morning practially jumping out of bed . I was sick to my stomach and could not stop vomititng . I quickly undressed and turned on the shower and got in . I stayed in there for a good hour . My stomach was in escruating pain , once it got worse I didnt hesitate to scream for Taylor . With each scream , I got more and more light headed but soon he finally came rushing in . He went straight to his knees , we were eye to eye and I can tell he was worried . 

  "Bry ! Whats Wrong ? What Is It ?" He asked , his hands shaking as they grasped mine . "My Stomach Hurts And I've Been Puking All Morning " I answered him , rubbing my belly . He turned off the shower and helped me up . He then handed me some clothes and helped me get dressed.  "we're Going To The Hostipal" 


He put me in a wheelchair and quickly rushed me into the emerngcy room , we fille dout the papers and within five mintutes I was in the back get examaned . They took me in to do an ultrasound  and I can tell my the Doctors face there was something wrong . I almost broke donw into tears just looking at him but I knew I had to stay strong not just for myself but Taylor too.

"Well Mrs.Davidson , Your Babies Are Healthy For Being Six Months ..." I let out a deep breath that I didnt realize I was holding , "But One Of Them Decided To Swith Around And Now Is Upside Down . She/He , I Dont Know The Gender , Is Going To Be Fine Eventually Will Switch Back So You Will Have To Go through This Pain Again Soon Enough ." 

I grabbed Taylor's hand as he kissed the top of my head , "Im Going Out Into The Hall To Call My Mother And Let Her Know , She Was Worried We She Saw Us Rush Out This Morning " He said as he kissed me once more before stepping out .

"You'll Be Able To Go Home In A Few Ma'am " Said the Doctor before leaving too .


Taylor drove me back to my house and helped me settle into my bed and made sure I was comfortable .  He then left to go to a job interview .

I pulled out my phone and quickly called Opal . Once she answered I started explaining everything that just happened this morning , then I heard her re explain it all to Dillon . After that I hung up and decided to nap , knowing Opal she will go and tell the rest and I wont have to explain the story over and over again .

I woke up around two thirty with only little pains in my stomach , Thanks to one of my baby girls . I decided to get up and go down the hall to their room . It's a suprise from my parents and Im not allowed to see it yet but there not home and Im bored . I reached up top for the key and opened the door and locked it behind me . 

It was pink and purple with a midnight  blue ceiling . There was two white cribs side by side with only enough room to walk inbetween . There was also two diaper changing statations on the other wall across from the cribs  & two rocking chairs in the middle with two giant teddy bears that were bigger than me .  There was a shelf filled with toys and another one with blankets . The closet was filled with so much clothes and baskets full of diapers . There was two giant white poster on the floor , those were for the babies names to be written on and hung up on the wall by their cribs . 

It was so beautiful , everything I can imangine for my baby girls . I was in love with it . It brought tears in my eyes . I sat down on one of the rocking chairs and just took all the surroundings in . Just in three months my babies will be home , I will finally be able to hold them in my arms and watch them grow . I couldnt wait  for them to be here , just three more months . 

My thoughts were interupted by my phone ringing , I pulled out of my pocket to see it was Taylor . 

"Yes ?"  I said answering the phone . "Babe , What Do You Want For Lunch , I'll Be Back In Twenty Mintutes " He asked , "Uhh Subway The Usaul" . "Okay Love You Bye " "Love You Bye"

I slid my phone back into my pocket and walked over to posters on the floor , I havent even thought of names for them yet . I got up and went int o my room , I remember one of my baby shower gifts was a book of names . I grabbed it from my dresser draw and decided I'll flip through with my eyes close and whatever name my finger lands on is will be their names

I closed my eyes and flipped through pages going fowards and backwards , then i stoped and dragged my finger down and opened my eyes , The name read Mackenize . I like that name actually . Wow this seems to be easier then I assumed . I repeated what I did the first itme and the second name was  Brooke . It didnt sound right , Mackenize and Brooke . No , No I dont like it , so i repeated the steps again .

Addison . Mackenize and Addison . Totally two different names nowhere close to sounding like eachother , which is good because even though there twins I dont expect them to have the same personalitly . I like it . 

"Brylee " I heard Taylor call my name "In My Room" I shoute dback and then heard footsteps quickly come up the stairs , he kissed my cheek and handed me my food . 

"How Was The Interview?" I asked unrapping my subway , he finished his bite he was chewing and answered , "Great , They Said They Will be Calling Me Back After They Do The Background Check . But she Said I Mostly Likely hace The Job " I gave him ahigh five and kissed him.

"How was Your Hour And Half Alone ?" He asked taking another bite. 

"Great I Thiught Of Baby Names " I said , he looked at me with wide eyes "Welll..." He gestured for me to continue "Mackenize and Addison " 

He stayed quite for a while but then he finally said "I Love Them , Good Job Babe" He smiled and finsihed eating .

After we finished , I got up and took his hand . I walked him into the nursery and he looked just as happy as i did when I saw it . He looked around and then took a seat on the floor , I sat down next to him , laying down completley lookin gup at the ceiling that little stars on the ceiling and the moon . Taylor laid down next to me rubbing my belly and talking to the babies . I couldnt help but let a giant smile stretch across my face . 

Besides this morning , today was perfect.

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