Chapter Thirty

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Taylor's P.O.V

*Next Morning *
I woke up about an hour earlier than Brylee and slowly removed myself from our bed, trying not to wake her. I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen to start making breakfast. Her parents soon followed and joined me in the kitchen telling me what Brylees favorite breakfast meals were. They grabbed the six bags on the table and headed into the living to start decorating .

Today was Brylees sixteenth birthday . I've planned a little "party" for her since Opal told me she never really had a birthday party . I decided it'd be nice to wake her up with a nice breakfast and then help her get ready and hopefully by the time we were downstairs every one who is important to her should be her to yell "surprise !" .

I made her Blueberry pancakes with whip cream smiley faces on them , scrambled eggs with cheese melted over them and a cup of orange juice . Along with that I had a bowl of all her favorite fruits mixed into it . Since she's been four months she's been on a real health kick which is just fine . I also got some cream cheese and bagels , this months new craving . I got the card out and signed it " Happy Birthday My Queen , I Love You and Can't Thank You Enough For Mothering My Princess . I Can't Wait To Spend More Of Your Birthdays With You , So Let This Be The First To Many , Your Boyfriend Taylor" I sealed the card and put it on the tray of food I was bringing up to her . I walked through the living room to see orange and black streamers , her favorite colors, and a giant happy birthday banner . Under it was a snack table with a giant '16'shaped cake . Under the table was a bunch of presents .

I headed up the stairs and into to her room , she was still sleeping . I swear she was so beautiful ,even though she loved to disagree . I walked over to her side and put the tray on her dresser and lightly shook her shoulders , "Babygirl wake up" she didn't budge . I shook again and mumbled a little louder , "Babe wake up". She mumbled and grabbed the cover and pulled it up higher . So I pulled it off completely . "babe Wake up right now !" I demanded . Her eyes flew opened and she whispered "what?" . I kissed her forehead and whispered happy birthday in her ear. She sat up and smiled , I the handed her the tray , her smile for even bigger . "Thank You Taylor " she said cutting up her pancakes .

"Eat up and then get ready and meet me downstairs ,okay" I said , before leaving I kissed her again and headed back down stairs to finish up decorating .

Brylees P.O.V
I was so happy , all my favorite foods were on this tray . I mean what a great way to wake up on your birthday. I scarfed down my pancakes along with the bagels . I grabbed my fruit and juice and headed into my bathroom . I put my juice and fruit down and took off my pajamas and turned on the shower . I waited for the water to get warm before entering , slowly eating my fruit . Once I felt it and it was warned I went into the shower , rinsing off. I kept my shower door open so i could reach over and still eat my fruit . Being pregnant made you weird I swear . I cleaned my body and hair and soon got out . I took my juice and headed over to my closet , I decided to throw on a light blue sundress and some sandals . I can't wear any other shoes because I am to the point in my pregnancy where my feet have now started to swell . I brushed my hair up into a messy but cute bun and threw on light make up. I then finished my juice and headed downstairs .

"SURPRISE !!!! " Shouted a bunch of people , popping up out of no where. I soon then realized I knew these people and they started all wishing me a happy birthday . There wasn't many people there but that's okay because all the people I loved were there . Taylor came up and hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder "surprise again babe" he then kissed my neck . I couldn't help but grin and we'll cry . Being pregnant does that to you . makes everything oh so dramatic . One by one every one came up to me hugging me and wishing me a happy birthday .

My parents , Taylor , Opal and Dillon , Matthew and Lexi , Cameron , The Jacks , Marissa , Jenni , Nash , Taylor's Parents , My Grandparents , All Six Brothers and There Partners were all here . Oh and one more person who showed up late , Shawn . I was surprised to see him here because of what happened between us two but then I wasn't because even though all that happened we still were friends . I can tell Taylor didn't really want him there because every time Shawn walked by me Taylor would grab me or kiss me , you know kinda showing that I was his .

After playing some games and talking about complete none sense it was finally cake time . I sat at the end of the table and every one gathered around me and began to sing , very awaited . After cake we did presents . I sat on the couch and opened up presents one by one.

My parents were first, I got an iPhone 6 . Next was Opal and Dillon , they gave me a case that had my babies latest sonogram on it showing where they both were . After them was Taylor's parents and they just gave me two hundred bucks which will come in handy for some more baby stuff . I got some more cases from the jacks and marissa . Cameron and Nash got me gift cards to stores all in the mall . Lexi and Matthew got me a painting with the babies name paint splattered on to it and it also glows in the dark . Shawn got me some perfume and body washes , how cute hence the sarcasm . Taylor was last and he blindfolded me and led me to the den ,you know the room no one really uses . He took the blind fold off and right in front of my was a piano with my name engraved on the top . It was breath taking and I couldn't help but burst out into tears . Its been years since I played the piano and honestly I was so good but during a move the piano got destroyed and we've never had the money to get a new one or even fix it . I took a seat on the bench and grazed my hands over the keys , I closed my eyes and took a deep breath waiting for it to all come back . and it did . My hands moved over the keys , playing slowly trying to remember the keys , eventually my hands knew what to do . It was beautiful , knowing my hands still knew what to do and how to play . Once I was finalized I heard people clapping and I cried some more .

After that everyone slowly started to leave until it was just Taylor's parents left and once they knew Taylor was staying a night again they left .

I was beyond exhausted from today and decided to take a relaxing bath . After that it was me and Taylor all snuggled up In my bed . His shirtless body against my shirtless body , well I was just in a bra and some boy shorts . He was shirtless and in boxers , nothing better than that right . He rubbed my belly until I slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep . That last thing I remember was him mumbling " I Love You" and kissing my cheek.

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