: Eighth

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Lan JingYi's POV

I walked back to my own room,

I straighted to my bed, not caring to change clothes, unfasten my hair ornament or even washed up.

I haven't done much today but only search for him, sneaked into HanGuang-Jun's rabbits and walk and walk...
No nighthunts or tasked missions from the Elders.

Yet I'm feeling so tired,
I'm feeling so heavy...
I'm so down.

He, SiZhui...

He never say something essential other than he's 'sorry'.

But his gaze...

How he looked at me.
His cold gaze weighed heavy in my heart. I don't know why but everytime I recall how SiZhui treated me like a stranger today, it gave a great pang of pain within me.

This turn of events never happened to us before, ...just only now.

What should I do ?

I never realized upon thinking too much that it is already dawn, I never sleep even a wink.

I'm tired yet I'm not sleepy.

Therefore, I decided to get up from the bed amd washed up, took a good bath for refreshments.

Afterwards, I decided to take a walk outside,

It's around 3 am, still darker and the fog is still thick while the breeze is awfully chilly.

I clamped myself from the coldness.


I startled! -------I almost shrieked amidst the foggy silence of environment

Who in the heavens is that someone who would suddenly call me out!

Somehow the voice is familiar...
I reeled but I see no one,

Wait... that can't be a mischievous ghost playing my name...
Fear creeps on me.

" Here! Up in the roof!~"

Ehh?! So I look up and there I saw him,

" S-Senior Wei?"

It is the Yiling Patriarch lying comfortably above the roof with an Emperor's Smile in his hand,

It is prohibited yet perhaps there are people who can be an exemption to the rules.

" Come up here.~ " he said,

Isn't it too cold ?

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to get up there and so I unfold some air kungfu to be able to get there immediately.

" Senior Wei. " I expressed courtesy first before sitting beside him.

He waved his hands saying,

" Don't be too formal, I'm a violator."
And I only nodded,

" I wouldn't be surprised if you and SiZhui are taking a walk in this dawn, but how come you're alone? I see, you've grown courage! "
He said then chuckled,

He's mocking me.

" Am I that dependent to SiZhui?"
I expressed in low voice.

" I'm not saying like that. You both are good combination. Dependency is out of the topic. "

I never reply but only looked at Senior Wei then to the sky covered with glittering stars...

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