: 10th 1.1

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Lan JingYi's POV


" Lan JingYi! Let me come with you ! "
Lan TianYing yelled at me while catching my fast walking pace.

" I told you already. I will go to nighthunts alone. "
I've already said it a million times.

" Ehh!! But I wanna go on nighthunts tonight and you're the only one I know is going so let us be partner. "
He persuade.

How stubborn can he be?

I stopped and faced him, put both my hands on top of his head, his stature is really small, his head is actually only level in my shoulder, I can pat him like a dog all I want. pfft..

" Stop being stubborn, Ok? How would you help me? Be the decoy to let out a beast or ghost?"

He cringed all of a sudden, stepping  back away with a terrified countenance. 

" Lan JingYi! You're merciless! How can you think of me being a decoy?! "

" Then don't go with me, Ok? I also can't assure that I can protect you. "
I deadpanned,
Well its true anyway.

" I'm not going to nighthunts just to be protected by my companion!"
He protested angrily.

And I only laughed at him,

" You've hurt my feelings Lan JingYi! I hate you! "

" Errr... hey! I'm sorry , I am just kidding you of being a decoy for a ghost! TianYing!! ... oh, he's gone. "

I think , he didn't heard me since he already ran away.

He's as childlike as ever,
Like a little brother to me.

And so I started to walk again,

Oh, it's snowing...

Winter is already materializing...

Maybe on the next days, I would have to stop nighthunting since it would be too tough to cross roads and mountains with thick snow.

On the way, I saw Senior Wei walking in an indifferent pace.

I approached to help him but he signaled a palm, indicating ' No ' .

" Senior Wei."
I expressed showing courtesy,

" Aiyah~ Good Afternoon Jingyi!"
He said hardly.

" Likewise, Senior Wei. Is your back hurting? Are you ok?"

" It's fine. This is Lan Zhan's fault. "
He said with a sour face.

Eh? Why would it be HanGuang-Jun's fault?

I can't help but showed a very confused face and Senior Wei just chuckled,

" Lan JingYi... Your HanGuang-Jun is such an energetic one and I am not so I ended up like this. Hahaha!" He playfully replied and I am more confused.

" I'm talking about ' that ' .
Senior Wei added with a sweet smile.

" ...Eh?  That? What 'that'? "

" That everyday exercise that we do, exhausting ourselves... messing the bedsheets and--------- "

I screamed hysterically just to stop his story,

Damn it. I shouldn't have asked about ' that' thing.

I faced palm.

" But I'm telling you since you're too curious! I'm giving you a kind explanation! "
Senior Wei exclaimed,

God. When will he stop with that.

" Ah. Yes... yes... I understand, please Senior Wei.  "
I defeatedly uttered,

" HAHAHA! C'mon ! You're not the very young Lan JingYi now! And I've even heard you constantly go on nighthunts alone! Too brave! "
He mockingly expressed,

" But isn't it too inappropriate to tell those things to other people. Won't HanGuang-Jun scold you?"

" You're not an other to me, JingYi! I've known you for long already. You and SiZh------- ah! HanGuang-Jun would scold me?! No matter what he do, he cannot ever tamed me! "
He gladly praised,

Yes. He's the untamed, indeed.

" Is that so, Senior Wei.  Then I hope you get well soon. "
I calmly said then excuse myself with a bow.

" Where are you going? Meditation?"

" I'm done with it. I'm going now to nighthunt at the Azusa Village."

" Ah! I've heard that a lot of children are constantly disappearing there. It might be a ghost kidnapper, huh?"
He expressed,

" I can't confirm until I come there myself."
I replied then saunteered away.


It's been so long already...

Two years has passed...

And yet, nothing has changed.

SiZhui still hasn't come back.

I keep on wondering if he's ok...
If he's eating and sleeping well since towards myself, I hardly sleep at night and when I sleep, I would recieve nightmares until I get used to the torment.

I seem to be doing fine outside,
But I'm feeling very ill inside from missing SiZhui.

How long will it be ?

How long can you ... spend the days without me?

Aren't you missing me too?

Ain't were bestfriend?
How can you left me up till now...

It's already been years you went away!

I don't know how long can I still hold out this melancholy of losing a dear  friend like you...

Please come back here to the Cloud Recesses already.


A/N : Omfg. SiZhui's been away for two years already! T______T
Poor bby JingYi. <\3

Chillax Folks. Maybe... the long wait is over ? Or still not? Let's ask Azusa then! XD

Btw, How's your preparations for New Year 2020 , folks? Do I have a share of your fruitsalad? *q*/?
Gimme please.. ^q^//
And 10th 1.2 is coming in exchange... XDD

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