Chapter 18- Blood, Visitors and Letters

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Evening lovelies!

Hope y'all had a wonderful day :D

Here is the next update.


Chapter 18- Blood, Visitors and Letters

~Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.~

 The day had finally come.

Today, we were having a war.

My fate will be decided. It was simple. I just had to kill Anna’s father or make him beg for mercy.

I was not evil. So I obviously didn’t want to kill Anna’s father, but I wanted to unite Europe.

Wales was not participating in the war. My father had personally written a formal e-mail stating how he was in need of a friend.

I had asked him not to send an email, but he was furious.

I loved the fact that my future father-in-law didn’t succumb for this email.

I didn’t particularly like my father’s behavior.

He should personally go and visit him.

I was crossed by his behavior.

If someone behaved like this with my daughter, I would be arrested from my own kingdom for murder.

But my heart was still intact.

“Tofu.” Nate called from behind, who came back three day before.

“Don’t call me that.” I said.

“Somebody is pissed off.” He mumbled.

“I’m not drunk.” I said.

“No you asshole, it means irritated in American slang.”  He said.

“How was I supposed to know that? I didn’t just come from America.” I replied.

“Don’t stress. I know you’re missing her Chris, but snapping at everyone and behaving like a whiny girl won’t take you anywhere.” He said.

“Why the hell are you troubling me?” I finally snapped, feeling the anger rise in me.

He understood my expression and quickly dropped the subject.

“I found out the location of the mafias. The name of the mafia gang is Kathármata. It is a Greek word, meaning bastards, but the gang is not Greece based. It is scattered all over the place.

The current leader is that of an Asian origin, named Eugene, but I’m sure that is not his real name. He is 25. His father was killed by your grandfather in a war. Perhaps he’s here for revenge.

His group is in Sweden at this moment. But his location is not detectable.” He ranted.

My blood became ice cold. His groups of trusted men are in Sweden.

What do they want now?

“This is his picture.” Nate said and shoved a picture in my hand.

He was a fair man, with a scar right above his eyebrow.

I had to memorize his face. What if he disguises himself as a soldier and fights against all of us?

These doubts were roaming in my head.

They were evil black eyes, mocking at me.

He had bronze hair.

I memorized that douche bag’s face.

I am going to kill him. Torture him the way he emotionally tortured me.


The battlefield was ready. We were ready.

“Attack!” Both the kings yelled.

We were fighting with all different sorts of gadgets.

Swords were mandatory, but there were guns too.

Adrenaline was pumping through my veins.

I concentrated on my defense and let my muscles settle into the rhythm of swordplay.

After several attempts to get pass my defense, the opposite soldier attacked again, missed a sword and I killed him.

I ran ahead, killing numerous soldiers.

I feigned an attack and then would kill him.

I had dodges and cut through his artery on the neck.

“Fuck!” I cursed as a bullet passed my shoulder.

I didn’t have time to look at the attacker as I again went ahead, looking for more Persian blue coloured uniforms.

These soldiers were good. Some managed to almost hit the right spot, but I was good in dodging.

There I was surrounded by ten or more soldiers.

I efficiently tried killing t

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