Chapter 9- Embarrassment at its best

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Hey there guys! 

Thanks for the 1.1k reads. 

Dedicated to @easyamarilla because of her few words of encoragement a few days back. 

I should have done this a long time ago, but it just slipped out of my mind..:P


Chapter 9- Embarrassment at its best

~“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ― Confucius~

So, today was finally the day of Carly and Nate’s engagement party.

Carly was bouncing up and down.

Thus, she came to my room, twirling me around and dancing as if I were Nate.

“Carls, chill. I know it’s your engagement party but you will get tired before the ball.” I tried to calm her.

“No! I am so happy Di! I am going to get engaged to the man I love!” She grinned like a Cheshire cat. 

Then, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes.

Oh  goodness.

“I am not doing whatever you are thinking Carly.” I tried to warn her.

But of course, this is Carly you are talking about.

“Di! You like him! Am I correct? You like him!” Said she, and started doing a happy dance.

“Who are you talking about?” I asked feigning innocence. 

“You exactly know I am talking about Diana. You like Chris, don’t you?” Carly said.

Color flooded to my cheeks and I found out that the floor was more interesting at that moment.

“No, I don’t like him. That’s just an absurd idea you have got there.” I told her, trying to sound sincere and polite, but failing miserably.

How could I keep a straight expression when I was grinning like a Cheshire cat?

“I get it, I get it. You really like him, eh?” She asked me with an amused grin.

I sighed and softly said, “Yes, I do. Like really really much.  His lion like behavior, his soft side, his everything. I like him so much.”

I was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Oh my god!” Carly squealed. “You finally admitted it! All the more reason to celebrate!”

“I know.  Now please chill!” I mock scolded.

“When are you going to tell Anna about this?” She asked.

“I will. You know how she is. She hates you and you hate her, so I can’t spend time with her. Now after this, you’ll be going to London and I won’t be able to talk to you.” I told her, tearing up.

“Damn it! All because of that damn rule. I wouldn’t have married at this age!” She muttered.

All royalities had to be married by the age of 22.

And we can’t even use any communication devices as our newly formed rivals can track us and our locations if we are out of security.

So, I just can’t contact her.

“Hey! We will meet! Don’t worry. Now you dress up, we will talk later.” She winked at me and went out of the door.


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