Chapter 4- Damsels in Distress

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Not proofread 

The other gorgeous woman on the side is Anna. :))

Thanks for reading.

Chapter 4- Damsels in Distress

~“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” ― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever~


"Ann, stop repeating the same sentence. It is okay. Please chill!" I requested. I swear I was ready to fall on my knees and beg it.

"You are asking me to chill? Di! He hurt my dear brother. It was as if I pranked my own self!" Ann replied, her face red from anger.

"Well, we all warned you not to harm that poor prince. We all know that along with beauty he has brains too. And please don't plan anything else against him. Let the poor chap have some rest." Thomas said, with seriousness dripping from his words. 

Her behavior was really uncalled for. 

"Ann, why do you people hate each other so much? It is as if he bought something you wanted to buy. What actually happened when you bumped into each other?" I curiously asked.

Ann looked at me as if I am some alien from Neptune.

"Diana, I love you so much! Oh my God! You know it! You are a mind reader! I mean how do you know this? Look, this is what happened as well.

After we bumped and crashed into each other, we actually went in the same jewelry shop. There, I saw a beautiful platinum bracelet which had charms in it. Di! It was so pretty and it was the last one among the lot. There, when I asked the shop keeper to pack me that bracelet, he said that it was already bought.

You know how I am. I insisted that it was because he didn't want to sell it. He showed me the receipt and pointed to the guy who had bought it. It was Chris! I was so furious that I offered twice the prize and yet I couldn’t buy it. Then I and Chris had another heated argument. In the end, he won and I couldn’t buy it.

So that is the main reason why I hate him." Ann rambled in one breath.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Wow Ann! I am speechless. Just remember that there is a fine line between love and hate."


"Mom, can I please not go? I have everything and I don't need to shop!" I asked my mom once again.

What can I say, I have been told that you should try and try until you succeed.

"Diana, we already discussed that you are going. You will be able to spend some more time with Chris. And this is my final word I have to go. Bye darling." She said and kissed on my cheek.

I sighed and kept staring at her retreating figure.

Why is she so keen on me spending time with Chris anyways?


I really didn'tneed this right now. 

There is only one person who actually calls me that.


"Maid, are you ignoring me?" His irritating voice asked.

Yes, because ignorance is bliss. 

Did I say it?



Because I have no confidence or guts to tell him.

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