Chapter 15- The impossible Rose.

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Chapter 15- The impossible Rose.

Warning- Contains swear words. :) :3
And on the side is Diana's evening gown---->

Enjoy!! =D

“You are not doing anything like that.” I said sternly.

“Oh, but I am.” He winked and went away.

“What the hell was that?” Jared asked me. “You will break your heart and Chris’ heart. In the end, when Anna realizes that he loves you, it will break her heart. One broken heart is better than three broken hearts.”

“Di! Did you say the way he said that?” Anna said and hugged me tight.

I hugged her back.

“He said that with pride and love. He does love me doesn’t he? Oh my god! Best day ever!” She shouted with glee. “You are the best friend ever! You talked to him about this didn’t you? I love you Di!” 

“I love you too.” I feebly replied.

My mind was in a haze. I couldn’t understand anything.

“Diana, can I talk to you for a minute?”  A red-head came and asked me. She was a beautiful lady, around 30 years or so.

“Sure.” I said.

She took me to her colossal study.

“I’m Amy, well Amelia, but you have to call me Amy. I’m Chris’ aunt. I’m sure he would have mentioned about me.”

I vaguely remembered Chris talking about her. ‘Aunt Amy is the sweetest person alive! Don’t stay near her for too long. You might get sugar rush because her personality is contagious.’

“Yes, he did.” I smiled.

“He’s an idiot. He told me you guys kissed, he professed his love for you and then he comes here and asks Anna to marry him? Why has it happened?”

My cheeks were the colour of a red velvet cake.

My sheepish expression gave it away. “It has happened because of me Amy.” My expression changed again. I sighed heavily. “My best friend loves him. He loves me, I love him. I did tell him Amy, but the thing is that, his love for me could never over power his desire of making Europe united. My father proposed this plan. If Anna, who obviously loves him, marries Chris, who might love her after the marriage, then the Mafias can be destroyed. I- I”

I couldn’t complete my sentence as the sobs broke out. I helplessly fell on the ground.

Amy held me while I sobbed and wailed silently.

All my dark feelings broke loose. The emotions like grief, fear, and despair became widespread and overwhelming.

I felt as if I was drowning, except, everyone around me was breathing.

I felt like I was falling down in a dark bottomless shaft, wondering if and when your fall will ever be caught. And as you look back to where you fell from--which is where you know you need to get back to--you can see it receding further into the distance, the proverbial light becoming dimmer and dimmer, while the shaft into which you are falling becomes deeper, darker, and all the more enveloping.

I had this hole when I hadn’t met him. That hole, which was sealed shut by him, was reopening again.

It was official. I had indeed asked him to marry Anna.

“That foolish man may love Anna, Di.” Amy said, a few minutes after my helpless crying. “But, he will never fall in love with her. The difference between liking someone, loving someone and being in love with someone is the same as the difference between past, present and future.

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