Chapter 28- Game over.

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Chapter 28- Game over.

“Did you understand what we are going to do?” I asked her.

“Do you think I am dumb Chris?” She said with a chuckle.

“Of course I understood. Pretend I never knew the plan and go with the rhythm.” She said.

“Good.” I mumbled and pecked her lips.

“Stop with the PDA already!” Anna said and came inside the room.

“This is not public display of affection. This is private display of affection. You were the one who came unannounced.” I said.

She chuckled and turned towards Di.

“So, is everything settled between the two of you?” She asked.

“Yes. It is.” She mumbled back.

“Good.” She smugly said and flipped her hair.

“What are you all doing here? Come on! Let’s go!” Herbert said with a grin on his face which was as fake as Barbie.

“Where are we going?” I asked trying to sound normal.

“Chris, who is he?” Anna asked and looked at him with an unknown emotion.

“He is Herbert, my elder cousin brother.” I said with a smile.

When I saw Herbert, he was also looking at her with an unknown emotion.

“Snap out of it.” Diana said and snapped her fingers.

They both snapped out of it and shook their heads.

“Sorry.” Anna mumbled.

“Anyways, what I was saying is that where are we going?” I asked, trying not to sound suspicious.

“In a place I just discovered a few days ago.” He said and turned.

“Can we come a bit later?” Diana asked.

“No. I’m not free after that and we have to leave tomorrow Chris.” He said.

He needed an award for his acting.

He limped as he walked.

“Herbert, are you okay?” Anna asked.

“Yes, I am.” He said and tried to walk properly, but hissed in pain.

“Let me look at it.” She said.

“N-no.” He stammered. “I am fine.”

“If you say so.” She said and shrugged but I could sense the worry behind nonchalance.

“We can’t come right now Herbert.” I said and looked as the colour on his cheeks faded.

“Please Chris.” He pleaded.

“I’m sorry.” I said and shrugged.

I watched as his expressions turned defeated.

I know exactly why this happened.

He slowly limped out of the room and went on the left.

“Chris here. Herbert has headed out. Go ahead with the security without them getting too suspicious.” I talked

I slowly crept out of my room and went in the direction of my father’s room where Seb had gathered everyone.

“Please follow me.” I said and went where the guard had seen Herbert going in.

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