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Ben's POV
Today is a new day.
I am going to talk to Mal in class. I am really nervous. And I get really nervous around her a lot so it might be hard for me to even speak to her.
When I got up that morning I got ready for school.
I quickly ran out of my room and went to school.
I put on something really nice and I put some cologne on.
When I got to school, people were there already. So I waited for a while, sitting on the couch.
Then I saw Evie walk in. Just her.
I quickly got up and went to her.
"Hey Evie" I said
She stopped walking and looked towards me.
"Oh hi Ben"

"Is it just you today?" I asked

"Yeah. Mal is not feeling good today"


"How come?" she asked
Then I blushed.
"Oh nothing. It's just that both of you are close"
She was quite for a bit. Then she spoke up.
"Can I ask you something?" she said

"Umm yeah"

"What I'm about to ask you, don't lie, tell me the truth"
I was confused
"Okay, shot"

"Do you like Mal?" she asked
Then I blushed even harder now.
I didn't want to lie, if I tell her the truth then maybe she can help me with Mal.
So I took a deep breath.
"Yes, I do"
She smiled
"I knew it, I knew it"

"You knew?" I asked

"She told me how you've been acting to her lately"

"Oof. Well does she like me back?" I asked
Then her smiled faded.
"She told me that she didn't"
I frowned
"Evie, I really really really like her. Since the day I shook her hand, I instantly.........." I tried to finish
"I instantly fell in love" I continued
I watch as her eyes widened.
"So you love my best friend?"

"Yeah" as I nodded my head
"I really do"

"Listen. I can help you" she said
I immediately smiled
"How?" I asked

"I will talk to her more about you"
"And you also need to do your part. Like talk to her more" she added

"Everytime I do, I always get so nervous, then I start to sweat"

"Try to control it"

"I can try"
"But she's not here today" I added

"Well today after school me, Mal, Jay and carlos are going to hang out, if you want to come"

"Yes yes, I will"
I got super happy
"Great, see you later"

"Bye. And thank you"

"No problem" she said
Then she went to class.
I went to class as well.
2 hours later...
Break started, so I went to my locker to put some textbooks and notebooks away.
When I was finished, I quickly turned the corner and I ran into someone.
"I'm so sorry" as I bent down to help pick up the books
I grabbed the books and stood up. Then I handed the books to the person.
As I looked up, it was her. Mal.
"It's okay" she said
I widened my eyes and stared right into her eyes.
"Hey, Mal" as I smiled
She smiled back.
"I thought you were sick" I said

"How did you know?"

"Oh Evie told me"

"That girly" as she rolled her eyes
"I'm just here to put some books into my locker, then I'm going back to my dorm" she added
I watched as she put her books away. As she was putting her books into her locker, she dropped one.
It was a brown book with a colorful dragon on it.
(it's the spell book)
I immediately went to it and picked it up. Then I gave it to her.
"Uh thanks" she said
I smiled.
"Why are you waiting for me?" she asked

"No reason"
Then she closed her locker.
"Okay, well I'm going to go now. It was nice seeing you"

"It was nice seeing you too"
Then out of no where she side hugged me. I immediately hugged her back.
Then she left.
I touched my heart. I was in shock that she even hugged me for the very first time.
I know it wasn't a full on hug, but hey it was a starter.
I went to my next class.
4 hours later...
Mal's POV
School was over for the students.
But I dressed into something nice, because me, Evie, Jay and Carlos are hanging out.
When I was finished, I went to our hang out spot, which was the bleachers.
When I got there Evie and Carlos were sitting down.
"Hey guys" I said

"Yay you made it" Evie said
We were sitting on the very top on the bleachers, in the corner. So I sat in the corner with the bars behind me.
As we were talking, we saw Jay and someone else in the distance.
"Who else did you invite?" I asked

"I invited Ben"

"Oh okay"
"Wait! What! You invited Ben!" I said

Oh no. This is going to be bad. I am going to start to get nervous now.
"Hey guys" Jay said
We said hi. Then Jay climbed up bleachers to sit with us. Then Ben followed. But he was standing up next to Evie.
We sat there talking for a while.
Then and there Ben would glance at me. But hey I can't say anything about it, because I was doing the same.
Then Ben finally sat down next to Evie.
It was now getting dark. And it was getting cold. And my dummy head didn't bring a jacket.
I was so cold that I was shivering super loud, with my teeth shaking and my body too.
While they were talking, Ben looked up at me.
"Hey are you cold?" he asked
I nodded yes.
"Here, take my coat" as he quickly took it off of him
He put it around my shoulders. Then I wrapped it more around me.
"Thanks" as I was still shivering
He sat right next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder.
A few more hours past and it was getting late.
Luckily there was no school tomorrow, because it's friday.
We made our way back to Auradon Prep.
"Thanks for letting me use your coat" as I handed it to him.

"No problem"
He grabbed it.
Then I walked back to my room.
"Wait, Mal" he said
I turned around.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you tomorrow" he said
I raised my eyebrows.
"About what?"

"Just things, that's all"

"Okay I guess" I said
I waved bye and so did he.

Isnt that just so adorable!!!!
I will be posting on this book now. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far :) Please vote and comment too.♥️

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