Stressed Out

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Mal's POV
I was almost finished with my essay.
Ben hasn't called or texted me, ever since he left my dorm.
It's 7pm.
After writing a lot with my hand, I put my pencil down and rested it.
Then my phone rang.
It was Ben.
I quickly picked it up and answered it.
Phone conversation:
"Hey" I said smiling

I heard him sniffling.
"Are you crying?" I asked worried
He didn't say a word, but I could hear him.
"Hey whats wrong?" I asked
Still nothing.
"Babe, talk to me" I said gently

"I'm stressed" he finally said

"Hey it's okay. Do you want to stay over at my place?"

"Yeah" as he sniffed


"But I can't just leave, my parents would see me"

"Go out your window. Get a bag and put some clothes in it" I said
I heard shuffling around his room. He got a bag, because I heard the zipper open.
"Okay. I got some clothes" he said

"Okay come over"

End of conversation.
Ben's POV
After hanging up, I opened my window that was next to my bed.
I took off the screen and climbed out.
I quickly ran to the school.
I cried and cried as I ran.
I was so stressed out.
Once when I got to the school, I turned right, went down the hallway and turned left.
Then it was Mal's room.
I knocked.
She immediately answered it.
As soon as she opened the door and immediately put my bag down and hugged her tightly.
I buried my head next to her neck.
"Hey, it's okay" she said gently
She also hugged me tightly.
I cried on her shoulder.
We stood there hugging for so long.
I felt her hand on my head and she started to massage my hair.
"I'm right here" she said
Then I let go of the hug.
She saw my red face with tears coming down.
"Ben, you look like a mess" as she put her hands on my cheeks.
"Can you tell me why you're crying?"
She wiped my tears off my face.
"It's okay, take your time" she added

"I don't think I'm ready"

"Ready for what?"

"Being King" I said

"What makes you think that?"

"That means I won't have time to be with you and I feel like we might end, because of all work of being King"
My eyes started to water again.
"Babe, I promise you, that you will be a great and wise King. I will love you forever. And of course it's going to be hard not seeing each other everyday. But I will come and visit you"
"Does that make you feel any better?" she continued
I shrugged my shoulders.
"A little bit" I said

"Don't worry, our relationship won't end because of you being King"
I smiled.
"And remember that I love you, I've always have and always will" she added

"I love you too"
She hugged me again and I did too.
Then my stomach growled.
"Sorry. I'm sorta hungry"

"When was the last time you ate?" she asked

"Ever since this morning"

"So you skipped, lunch and dinner?"


"It was because you were stressed out?"
I nodded
"Ben, please next time call me earlier if you feel like this again"

"I know, it's my fault"

"I want to help you" she said

"Sorry. Do you have any food?"

"Yeah. The food from this morning"
She went to the small table and handed me the styrofoam box.
I took the box and sat down.
Then I started to eat it.
She sat down next to me.
"Hey slow down" as she smiled

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