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3rd POV
Ben doesn't work on the weekends.
Sometimes he would sleep in, but he mainly wakes up early, because he is use to it.
Mal's POV
*Ben snoring*
I groaned as I heard Ben snoring.
We were facing back to back.
So I flipped my body over, with my stomach touching his back.
I wrapped my arm under his.
Then I laid my head on top of his.
Meaning my ear and his ear were close together.
Suddenly he stopped snoring.
I went back to sleep for a few more hours.
Hours later...
I set my alarm at 9:30am.
When it went off, I then turned it off.
"Baby" I whispered and gently shook him
He took a deep breath and stretched his arms and moved his body, to where he laid on his back.
"Yeah?" he said in his morning raspy voice

"Did you want to wake up?" as I rubbed his bare chest

I kissed his soft cheek.
He sat up, then he stood up, put some sweats and a shirt on, and went over to the bathroom.
I also got up from bed.
I put some clothes on, fixed the bed.
"Whats the plan for today?" as he walked out of the bathroom

"Probably just stay here"
"Why?" I added

"I mean do you really want to stay home all day"

"Yeah, I don't mind at all"

"How about later tonight we can go out to dinner" he suggested


"Waffle house"

"Sure" I said
Later that evening...
"Ready?" he asked

We went to The Waffle House.
Once inside, we got seated.
Then we ordered.
"Did I snore last night?" he asked

"Actually you did, this morning though. But then you stopped"

"Wait, how did I stop?"

"Well, I just randomly started cuddling you and you just stopped"

"Oh that makes sense now"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I remember I felt cold, then suddenly when I was asleep, I felt warm"

"You snore all the time" I said laughing

"True" as he chuckled
Our food came out.
We ate and talked. We took our time.
After dinner...
"Where to next?" he asked


"Aw come on babe, I wanted to see if we can get some cupcake stuff and make them at home"

"You want to make cupcakes?" I asked laughing

"Yes. Why, is it because I'm King?" he asked playing around

"It's just funny, that's all" as I kept laughing

"Now with that being said, let's go to the store then we can go home"

We went to a nearby store.
We then got our items.
Then we went home.
Ben's POV
When we got home, we changed into some comfortable clothes, meaning we changed into our pj's.
Since I didn't have an oven and all that stuff in my room, we went down to the basement which has an oven.
When we go down there, we got started.
"So what do we need first?" I asked

"A bowl, some eggs, oil, butter and then our mix"
I got all the stuff out.
"What next" I asked

"We put two eggs"
I got two eggs out.
We continued the process.
After mixing all the ingredients together, we then poured them into a cupcake pan.
Then I put them in the oven.
"How long?" I asked

"About 15 minutes"
I fixed the timer.
Now we waited.
"Have you ever made cupcakes before?" she asked
I picked her up from her thighs and set her down on the metal counter.
A/N: This was the only photo I could find online😂😂😂😂 that's how they are, but Ben doesn't have his hand under her thigh like that. And Mal is a little more higher.

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