The Project

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A/N: So I was going to post this on Wednesday but I forgot andI got really busy. And I was supposed to post this, this morning but again I forgot😂
Sorry for the really late post.
But hope y'all enjoy!!!

3rd POV
Today is a ordinary school day.
Nothing stressful, no drama, no arguments.
It's a cool and chill day, here at Auradon Prep.
Mal's POV
I'm in History class with Ben.
Class just started.
"Good morning class" the teacher said

"Good morning" the class said back

"So today, we are getting into-" she said but someone knocked at the door
"Sorry" she apologized to the class
She walked over to the door and opened it.
It was Fairy God Mother.
"I'm so sorry to bother you Mrs. Landford, but you got a new student, well she's not new to the school, but to the class" FG said smiling

"Okay" Mrs. Landford smiled
FG moved to the side, and I saw.........freaking Audrey!
"Hi, I'm Audrey" as she shook Mrs. Landfords hand

"Hello Audrey. It's nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Landford"
FG felt.
"Go ahead, take a seat" she offered
Audrey looked around, and she found me and Ben.
She glared at me, not saying one word.
Then she finally found a seat up in front of the class.
"Okay class, as I was saying, but we have a project. It's with two partners. I have a list, that I've chosen"

"Aww man, we might not work together" I whispered to Ben
He sighed
She called out the partners.
"Next is Mal and Jane"
"And lastly, Benjamin with.........Ahhhh you shall take Audrey" she continued
Ben was in shock.
"You can't work with her" I told him

"It's going to be really awkward" he said

"Maybe tell her after class to change partners"

"Okay, class to your partners and write ideas of a 3D project, that you guys are going to do" Mrs. Landford said

"I have a bad feeling about this" Ben said

"It's okay, try to at least work with her, and if she makes you do all the work, just tell the teacher"

"She's going to talk to me about us getting back together" he said

"You will be fine"
I kissed his cheek and went off to Jane.
Ben's POV
Audrey cane to me.
"Hi Benny Boo!" she said with a huge smile
I smiled back.
She sat down
"Look Audrey, I'm here to only work on this project"

"I know" she immediately said

"And I only want to focus on that"

"Okay" as she smiled
She got out a piece of paper and a pencil.
"So, what should we do for our project?" she asked

"I can look for stuff online"
I got a computer.
We started doing work.
I'm surprised Audrey hasn't told me anything.
She was quite, too quite.
40 minutes later...
Class was about to end.
So the whole class put their stuff away.
Now we waited for the bell to ring.
Everyone else was talking. Mal stayed with Jane, talking to each other.
"Listen Ben" she suddenly said


"About the other day, when I came to your dorm late, I wanted to apologize"

"Oh, it's okay Audrey, it wasn't that big of a deal"

"No, it was my fault. I don't know why I would do that to you" she said with a sad face

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