Countless Nights Together

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Mal's POV
"Ben, scoot over" I whispered


"Scoot over please"

"Oh, sorry"
It's super late night, I was at Ben's dorm.
Ben is a crazy sleeper, and especially since his bed is small, he is super close to me.
I don't mind at all, but sometimes he wraps his leg around me, to where I can't move, or his body heat makes me hot.
And he snores right into my ear.
"Do you have space now?" he asked

"Just a little"

"I'm sorry if I woke you up. I promise you, I will get a bigger bed"

"It's okay, just get some rest"
We closed our eyes.
Early Morning...
**Ben snoring**
Once again, I woke up.
"This guy" as I rolled my eyes
I nudged his side.
"Hey, babe, wake up" I whispered
He moved.
"What happened" he said in a raspy tone

"You're snoring again"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. If you want you can go back to your dorm"

"What. No way. I would rather stay here with you"

"I will try my best not to snore" he said
I fixed the blankets a bit and went back to sleep.
Hours later...
This time I woke up from the birds singing from outside.
It was 8am. And today is a Saturday.
When I woke up, me and Ben didn't have anything planned for today.
But one thing popped up in my head.
Maybe we should go bed shopping today.
I got out of bed and got ready.
I wore some tight blue jeans, with one of Ben's hoodie's.
When I was done, I went to get some breakfast down on the first floor of the castle.
I made my way back up to Ben's room.
I put the bag of food on the small table in front of the couch.
Then I made my way to Ben, to wake him up.
"Hey, Ben" I whispered and gently shook him


"Time to wake up sunshine. I got some food"
He yawned.

"Oh and also when your finished eating get dressed, because we are going bed shopping today"
He sat up on his bed.
"Who's gonna pay for it?" he asked smiling

"Me, obviously"

"Mal, I'm just kidding" he said laughing

"Let's just go eat"
He put his pj's that he took off that night.
We went to his couch and ate.
After eating he got ready.
"Ready to go?" I asked

"I've been ready"
He took my hand and we walked out and went to the mattress store.
At the store...
Ben's POV
"Goodmorning your majesty and beautiful Mal" the man said when we walked in.

"Goodmorning sir" as I shook his hand

"Is there anything in particular you guys are looking for?" he asked

"Actually, yes we are, we want something, not to big or to small" Mal said

"Sounds good. Today we are actually having a huge sale. Our beds are $500"

"Not bad" I said

"So if you guys would follow me, I have a few beds in mind"
We followed him towards the back of the store.
"So this section is where we keep our king size beds" the man said
"Feel free to try them out" he added

"Which one do you like?" I asked mal

"We are finding one that we both like"

"Actually, I might have a bed in mind for you guys" the man said
We followed him to the left and went into another section of big beds.
"So, how do you guys sleep?" the man asked

"Well this one, likes to sleep very close to me, and he basically traps me" Mal said smiling
I smiled while blushing.
The man laughed.
"So I'm guessing you guys still sleep in a twin size?"

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