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***One week later...***
3rd POV
It's prom day.
There is no school for today. The students and teachers were helping out to decorate the gym.
Mal's POV
*beep* *beep* *beep*
"Hmmm" I hummed
My alarm went off.
I slammed the clock for it to stop.
I checked the time and it was 8:00am.
Then I went back to sleep, well I tried.
Then my phone rang.
I sighed in frustration.
I picked up my phone without looking to see who was calling.
Phone conversation:
"Hello" in my raspy morning voice

"Goodmorning sweetheart"

"Who's this?"

"Uhhhhh, it's your boyfriend"

"Ben?" I asked

"Who else would it be?" as he laughed

"To be honest, I would have no idea"
I heard him chuckle.
"Why are you calling me so early?" I asked

"I wanted to see if you would like to have breakfast with me"
"But I see that your busy trying to get some sleep" he continued

"No no no, I'm up" I quickly said

"Great. I will pick you up in an hour"

"Okay" as I yawned

"Love you" he said

"I love you too"
Then I hung up.
I sat up from my bed.
Evie was still sleeping.
Then I got up from my bed and went to my tall dresser and got some comfortable clothes.
I put some black sweatpants on, then a plain white pull over sweater. And some white running shoes.
After changing, I fixed my bed.
Then I went to the restroom and fixed my purple hair.
20 minutes later...
*knock* *knock*
I walked out the bathroom and went to the door.
"Hey beautiful"
I chuckled

"Are you ready?" he asked

"Matter of fact, I am" as I smiled
He took out his hand and I grabbed it.
I closed my door.
"Are we going to the Waffle House?" I asked

"Of course, it's our only restaurant that we both love"
I freakin love the Waffle House.
Then we started to walk.
At the waffle house...
"Babe, it's packed in here, again" I said

"I have all day with you. I really don't mind waiting"
When we walked in, lots of high school kids were there.
Some had to stand outside.
But since Ben is a prince, he kinda went to the front of the line.
There was a long booth filled with people.
But there was one little tiny opening for one person to sit.
A/N The lower part of the picture is where they are going to sit

"Did you want to sit on my lap?" he askedI looked at him and smiled

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"Did you want to sit on my lap?" he asked
I looked at him and smiled.
Then he sat down. Then I sat on both of his laps.
I leaned my back towards his chest and rested the back of my head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You comfortable?" he asked

We sat there talking and laughing, waiting to be seated.
30 minutes later...
Ben's POV
We finally got seated.
We ordered our food.
"Are you nervous for tonight?" I asked

"Not really. But if we have to dance in front of everyone, then yes, I will be nervous"

"Trust me, don't be nervous"

"Wait. Does that mean me and you are for sure dancing?"


"Oh no" she said

"Hey, remember just stare into my eyes" as I smiled

"That sounds so easy"

"Just trust me okay babe?"
She nodded
Our food came out and we immediately dug in.
"If you don't mind me asking, but have you had any more visions?" as I swallowed my food

"Lately, no I haven't"

"Are you scared if another one happens?"

"If it's a bad one, then yes, but if it's a good one, then no" she said

"Okay, just remember my mom's window is always open"
She smiled
We finished our food and I payed.
"Thank you for the delicious food" she said as we both walked out

"Yeah, no problem"
I walked her back to her dorm.
When we got there, I hugged her and kissed her.
"I will pick you up around 5pm" I said checking my watch


"I love you so much" I said

"I love you too"
She turned around to open her door.
When she turned around, I looked down and stared at her butt.
"Damn" I mumbled
Then she walked in.
"What happened?" as she turned around
I immediately looked at her.
"Oh, nothing" as I started to blush

"Okay. Well see ya"
I smiled and closed her door.
"I'm such an idiot" I said to myself
Then I went back to my dorm.
Hours later...
I fixed my hair. Put my nice gold watch on. Some nice shiny black shoes, with my all blue tuxedo.
I sprayed some cologne on.
After getting ready, I went to the school to pick up Mal.
When I got to her door, I fixed my hair again.
Then I put my hand over my mouth and blew air, smelling my breath.
It smelled horrible. But luckily I had small mints inside my coat.
So I quickly took one out and threw it in my mouth.
Then I knocked.
I smiled widely.
Then the door opened.
It was Evie.
"Hey Evie"

"Hello Ben"

"Is Mal ready?"

"Actually, she's in the bathroom"

"Oh okay, can you just tell her I'm here?"

"Actually Ben, she had a panic attack" she said

"What! Can I please see her?"
She nodded.
I walked in and headed straight to the bathroom.
The door was closed, but it was unlocked.
I saw Mal sitting on the toilet, with the toilet seat down.
"Hey Mal, whats wrong" as I kneeled down in front of her
I took her hands.
"Ben......" as she sniffed

"I'm listening"

"I......can' this"

"Do what baby?"
She took a deep breath.
"Prom" she said

"Did you want to stay here? I'm okay with that"

"I've never been to prom before, and I want to go for the first time, with me and you as a couple"

"Babe, we always have next year and the year after that"

"I do want to go, but I really don't want to dance infront of all those people"

"Remember what I told you this morning. Just stare into my eyes, and I promise, I promise you that you will be alright" I said
"And also remember that I love you" I added
Then she smiled.
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" she said quickly
I chuckled.
"You ready?" I asked

"Yeah" as she sniffed
"Let me get cleaned up first" she continued

Part two will be next chapter!
Also I have some news for you guys :(
But I won't tell you guys until Friday when I upload again.
Thank you guys for the support on this book!♥️

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