Hard Times

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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks since Ben became King. It's a little hard for him, because he would go to a lot of meetings, come home late, or stay in his office and do paperwork and he hardly has time for Mal. But not to mention, Mal is starting to stay with him more. Even on school days.
Ben's POV
I'm in my office work space. Looking at papers and signing them.
Today is a Thursday, and it's 10pm.
I'm super tired and I just want to go home.
As I was reading the papers, suddenly the door opened.
I quickly looked up and it was Mal.
"Hey" I said

"Hey" as she closed the door

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked getting up from my chair

"I couldn't"
I hugged her.
"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just that the bed felt empty and cold"

"I'm almost done"
I kissed the top of her head and went back to my chair.
She followed me.
I continued to sign papers.
She stood behind my chair, then I felt her hands on my shoulders and she started to massage them.
I continued to sign the papers.
Suddenly I felt her soft lips on my neck.
I quickly sat up straight.
"Mal" I said gently
"What are you doing?" I added

"Just relax, finish your work"
I went back to my work.
15 minutes later...
I got done.
I stood up and stretched.
I grabbed my coat and Mal's hand, and we headed to the door.
From there I turned off the lights and locked up my office.
Then we went back to my place.
Once inside I took off my clothes, brushed my teeth.
Mal did the same.
Then I laid in bed.
"Hey babe, are you feeling okay?" she asked

"Why?" I added

"I don't know, you seem a bit quite and possibly stressed"

"No, I'm okay. It's just being King is really hard"

"Yes baby I know, and that's why I am staying with you" she said running her fingers through my hair
"So I can help you" she continued

"Help me with what?"

"To keep your stress under control. Because if I wasn't staying with you, then you would be stressing out, and you would get sick"

"Oh yeah, true" I said

"I don't want that happening to you"

"Yeah, you're right"

"Baby I'm always right" as she laughed

"Of course you are"
She kept laughing
"Did you have to go back again tomorrow?" she asked


"What time?"

"I think at 7am" I said

"Okay, wake me up when you leave"

"Okay" as I yawned

"Now, let's get some sleep"
She fixed the blankets.
"Good night, I love you" as I kissed her forehead

"Goodnight, I love you too"
Mal's POV
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Ben's alarm went off.
"Ben, turn off your alarm" as I shook him
He woke up and turned it off.
"Is it time to wake up?" he asked

"For you"
I felt him get up from the bed and he got ready.
I went back to sleep.
20 minutes later...
"Baby" he whispered


"I'm leaving okay?"

I picked up my head.
"Have a good day, I love you" I said

"I will, I love you too"
He kissed my forehead and left to his office.
Hours later...
I finally got up.
It's 10am.
I got dressed for the day, clean Ben's room because it was a mess.
Suddenly I got a call from Belle.
"Hello" I said

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