The Truth

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Mal's POV
It's another school day.
I wasn't with Ben, I was at my dorm.
When my alarm went off, I got dressed for school.
After getting dressed, I texted Ben to meet me at the cafeteria so we could get some breakfast together.
Then I left my dorm and headed straight to the cafeteria.
When I got to the cafeteria Ben was already there.
"Hey there beautiful" he said
We both hugged.

"I brought you an apple" as he showed me it

I took the apple, then I took his hand, we both went inside the cafeteria.
We got a tray and got some food.
Then we sat with our friends.
With, Evie, Doug, Jay, Lonnie, Carlos, Jane, me and Ben.
We talked, laugh and told some jokes.
Then the bell rang to go to our first class of the day.
"Come on, I will walk you to your class" Ben said getting up

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be late"

"Yes baby, I'm sure"
I got up and threw away the rest of my food.
We said goodbye to our friends.
Ben took my hand and he walked to me first class.
When we got to my class, he stopped me.
"Can I have a kiss?" he asked smiling

I aimed for his cheek, but he quickly moved to where I touched his lips.
We both laughed.
"See you next class?" he asked with an adorable face

He gave me another kiss.
"I love you" he said staring at my lips
Then he gave me another kiss.
"Love you too"
Then another kiss.
I turned around to walk in, when I did, I felt his hand smack but booty.
"Benjamin!" I whispered and yelled at the same time

"Love you" as he smiled and walked away
Next class...
Next was history class.
It's the class that I have with Ben.
We just watched a video and took a few notes.
Audrey was also there, but she sat in front of the class, which was good, so I wouldn't have to see her face.
But she kept looking back at us for some reason, when she did, she would look at Ben only.
After class it was break.
We went to our hang out spot with our friends.
"What are you doing after school?" I asked Ben

"Well, after school I'm going to my locker to put some textbooks away, then I'm going to head to my office to do more paperwork"

"I can meet you at your locker after school"

"I would love that" as he smiled
After while the bell rang.
We went our separate ways.
After school...
Ben's POV
I went to my locker to put some books away.
I opened it, took off my backpack off of my back, unzipped it and grabbed my books and started to put them inside my locker.
"Hey Benny Boo!" someone said
I looked up.
"Oh, hey Audrey"

"What are you doing?" she asked smiling

"Just putting some books in my locker"
I looked back down to put more books inside.
"Can I ask you something?" she asked

"Uh, okay"

"I know I've asked this before, but I want more information about why, why did you break up with me?"
I laughed
"Audrey, look, I told you already, you only cared about yourself"

"That's not true!" as she stomped her foot

"Yes, it is. You never cared about me, you only dated me because of my title. That isn't true love"
Then I closed my locker.
"But I do, I do love you"

"Sorry Audrey. But I'm in love already"

"What do you even see in her!?" she asked

"I see a person who actually cares, helps me with my stress and she actually loves me, more than you ever did"

"I did help you with your stress"
I laughed again.
"Audrey, no you didn't. Remember that one time, when I came back from tourney try outs, and I told you that I didn't think I would make the team, but all you just did was, walk out on me to go hang out with your friends. You really hurt me Audrey. You did really bad"
She just stared at me.
"I want the truth" she said

"Audrey. That is the truth, that's why I broke up with you"
She got really mad.
Then Mal came out from behind Audrey.
"Hey B-" Mal said but saw Audrey
"Whats going on here?" Mal asked

"Nothing baby, I'm coming" I said
When I walked passed Audrey, she grabbed my shoulders and with all her force she kicked me right in my manhood.
I quickly grabbed myself and went to the floor.
Audrey walked away.
"Oh my god Ben. Are you okay?" Mal asked
I groaned in pain.
"It's hurts" I added

"Why would she do that?"

"I told her the truth.............about........why I.........broke up............with her" I tried to say but I was still in pain

"She is pissing me off"

"It's okay baby,........oh my god! It hurts still" I said in pain

"Can you stand?" she asked

"Not sure"
She gently pulled me up.
"Got it?" she asked helping me

When I got on my feet, I was still holding myself.
"Let's go to my place since it's closer, and we can put an ice pack on"

My back was hunched. I took baby steps while Mal helped me.
When we got to her room, she helped me on her bed.
I laid flat on my back.
Then she went to the small fridge and took out a pack of frozen corn.
"Here. Keep it on for about 15 minutes" she said
She then set the pack on it.
"Does it still hurt?" she asked

"It's getting better, but it's still throbbing"

"I'm so sorry. I hate to see you in pain"

"Don't be sorry. This is all Audrey's fault"
She nodded
"Are you still going to work?"

"Not like this. I gotta tell my dad what happened"
I got my phone out and called him. I told him what happened and he told me to just stay home and rest.
"Did you want to stay with me?" she asked

"Sure. But I gotta get some clothes"

"We can go by when you feel better"

"Sounds good"
We stayed at Mal's dorm for about an hour.
I was feeling better, so we went by my dorm, got some clothes and went back to her dorm.
We relaxed all night. We watched some tv shows.
She kept me company.
I eventually fell asleep on top of her.
Mal's POV
It was quite, I looked at Ben, but he was asleep.
"Babe?" I whispered
He moved his legs.

"Are you tired already baby?"


"Okay. Do you mind getting off of me?" I asked chuckling a little bit

"Oh yeah, sorry" as he slid off of me
I turned off the tv and he immediately snuggled next to me.
I kissed his forehead, then I made my way down to the middle of his eyes and then his nose.
"I love you" I said

"I love you too"

Here is another song from my playlist:
Wear headphones!

These rappers died a few years ago, this song is really good.
Hope you guys are loving these chapters, as much as I do.
See ya!♥️
Please vote, comment and share it would help this book out a lot :) thanks, love y'all!

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