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3rd POV
It's been a few weeks since Ben played his last game.
Now the fair will be opening. And of course Ben will be taking Mal.
Lots of people and students will be there.
Mal's POV
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
I slowly opened my eyes.
My phone was going off.
I quickly grabbed it and answered it.
"Hello" I said in my raspy morning voice

"Goodmorning sunshine"
I smiled a little.
"Goodmorning" I said back

"Did I wake you up?" he asked

"Actually yes, yes you did"

"Sorry" as he chuckled

"Ben, it's 8 o'clock, why are you calling me so early?"

"I wanted to see if you want to come over"

"Now?" I asked


"Is there a reason why?"

"Because I miss you"

"Or can you come over?" I asked
He was quite.
"Please" I begged

"Fine, okay" he said

"Okay, see you in a bit, I love you" I quickly said

"I love you too"
Then I hung up.
I was fully awake now.
Evie was spending the night at Doug's place.
After hanging up, I quickly stood up and took off my small short shorts and my tank top.
Now I was only wearing my tight underwear's and my black bra.
Then I went under the covers and laid there until Ben came.
20 minutes later...
*knock knock*
"It's open!"
The door opened and it was Ben.
"Hey" as he closed the door
He was still in his pj's, meaning his was wearing sweatpants with a hoodie on.
"Hey" I said back
He walked over to my bed, then he laid down above the covers.
He snuggled next to me.
"Aren't you cold?" I asked

"Not that much"

"Why don't you go under the blankets?" as I smirked

"Then I'm going to get hot"

"But you're already are"

"You are so naughty" as he laughed

"Come on, just take off your hoodie and your sweats"
He looked at me.
He sat up and took them off.
This time he went under the covers.
I felt his hands wrap around my bare back.
"Woah. Did you" but he stopped

"Yes. I already took them off" as I smiled

"Wow, look at you"
He pushed me closer to him.
I stared at his lips.
Then he kissed me.
I kissed him back.
Eventually we it heated. So I rolled on top of him.
We both kept our lips together.
He put his hands on my butt and squeezed them gently.
When he did that I let out a soft moan into his mouth.
As I was on top of him, I felt his manhood right between my legs.
Me being Mal, I decided to slowly grind on him.
He let out a small moan.
*knock knock*
We both stopped.
"Who's that?" he whispered

"Not sure"
I got and put my robe around me.
Ben hid under the covers.
I opened the door.
It was Belle.
"Oh, good morning Belle" as I smiled

"Good morning"
"Have you seen Ben?" she asked

"Uhhhhh, no actually I haven't. Why what happened?"

"Oh, he just needs to help us set up for the fair tonight" she said

"Fair?" I asked


"Okay, if I see him, I will tell him" as I smiled

"Thank you so much"

"You're welcome"
She walked away and I closed the door.
Ben's POV
"I forgot about the fair" I said

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