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3rd POV
Ben will be going on a business trip tomorrow morning, for about two weeks. Mal is pretty sad about it, because they haven't been that far from each other.
It's a Sunday night, Ben is playing his Xbox with his friends, while Mal is laying on the bed, waiting for Ben.
Ben's POV
"Chad, he's coming up behind you" I said into the mic
I started helping out my teammates/friends.
I'm playing with, Jay, Carlos and Chad.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for my business trip.
"BOOM! I got him" I yelled into the mic
I glanced at Mal as she laid on the bed. She was reading a book with her lamp on.
Then I went back to playing.
15 minutes later...
"Babe?" she said

"Yeah?" I said staring at the tv

"Come to bed already"

"Hold on baby. I'm almost done" I said gently
She didn't say anything after that.
So, I continued playing.
After a few moments she spoke up.
"Fine. I'm going to bed already" as she turned off her lamp.
It was completely dark now, only the tv screen light was on.
When she turned off her lamp, I looked and saw that she was under the covers.
"Hey guys. I'm going to get off now. I have to wake up early tomorrow for a business trip. See ya guys" I said getting up from the couch.
I turned off the tv and turned on my flashlight that's on my phone.
When I got to the bed I turned on my lamp.
I went under the covers and laid behind Mal.
She didn't say anything.
Again nothing.
She's mad.
"Whats wrong hmmm?" I asked

"Ben, just go to sleep"

"I will, until you tell me"

"Benjamin, you need sleep" she said still facing away from me

"I know you're mad. Just tell me, because I don't want you being mad at me when I leave tomorrow"
"And if I don't get an answer then all my focus will be on why you are up set, when I'm gone" I added

"It's nothing"

"Baby, please" I said gently

"Okay, yes Ben. I'm upset" she said irritated

"Can you tell me?"

"I wanted to spend time with you before you leave. I don't mind if you want to play your game, but Ben you know that you are waking up early"

"I'm sorry. And of course I want to spend time with you, I always do. And I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you the first time. I love you so much" I said

"It's okay" as she turned her face towards me

"No it's not okay. I haven't been treating you like a Queen lately"

"Ben, you don't need to treat me like a Queen" as she chuckled

"I'm just really sorry"

"Baby, you already apologized, like three times already. I forgive you"
I smiled
"I'm just going to be really sad tomorrow" she added

"I know me too. But I promise you I will call you every night and text you through out the day"

"Sounds good"
Then I turned off my lamp.
"Now, I need rest. Do you want me to wake you up tomorrow before I leave?" I asked

I placed a sweet kiss on her soft lips.
"I love you" as I kissed her again
She smiled through the kiss.
"I love you too"
I gave her one more kiss.
Then I closed my eyes.
*beep* *beep* *beep*
I groaned when I heard my alarm go off.
I hit the turn off button.
Then I flip over to Mal's view.
I hugged her from behind for a few minutes.
Before getting up, I gently kissed her neck a few times, then I got up.
I dressed into comfortable clothes.
My bag was already packed.
Then I brushed my teeth and packed my toothbrush into the bag.
My flight leaves at 9am.
Im going to Camelot Heights, which is up North of Auradon.
I'm ready now.
I turned on my lamp, went around to Mal's side of the bed. I kneeled down next to her.
"Hey, Mal?" I said gently

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