More Visions

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Mal's POV
"Babe, be careful with him" I shouted

"He's okay. I will catch him, when he gets to the bottom"
I gently pushed him down the green slide.
Me and Ben both laughed with happiness.
"Ah, I got you!" Ben shouted catching him
Ben picked him up in the air and kissed his small forehead.
Then I woke up.
I quickly sat up straight on my bed.
It's a school night.
I was catching my breath. Then I went to the bathroom to wash off my face.
I looked in the mirror. Suddenly I saw a red mark on my neck.
It was a hickey.
"Damn it Ben" I said
I went back to bed.
Next day...
I'm at school putting some textbooks away inside my locker, that was outside.
"Hey beautiful" as their arms wrapped around me
I knew who it was right away.
"Hey" I said back putting some more textbooks away.
"What are you doing later on tonight?" Ben asked

"Well, luckily I don't have any tests tomorrow, so maybe just stay in my room"

"You, me, at my place tonight" as he pointed

"Ben, it's a school night"


"I can't" I said

"Okay, how about at your place? We can watch movies, cuddle"

"No sorry"

"Come on, please. Remember in a few months I'm going to be King and I want to spend a lot of time with you"

"Now you're making me feel guilty"

"Is it working at least?" as he smiled
I stared into his blue eyes.
"Fine. I guess" I finally gave in
He laughed
"I will meet you at your place after practice"

"And bring extra clothes, because you are going to take a shower at my place"

"I will"
The bell rang.
"I will see you later" I said getting closer to him
I placed a sweet kiss on his soft lips.
"I love you" I said giving him another kiss
He smiled
"I love you too" as he gave me another kiss
After saying goodbye, we went our separate ways.
After school...
I'm in my dorm cleaning up a bit.
Fixing my bed and my small table.
Evie was out to do a project with her group members.
I sat on the bed, thinking. Thinking about that so called dream I had last night.
Then someone knocked.
I got up and opened it.
"Hey" Ben said

"Finally. You took forever"

"Sorry coach wanted us to do extra practices, for the big game in a few weeks"
I moved to the side so he could walk in.
"You guys will do fine" I said
He put his bag down.
"I just really hope we win this game. It's our last game. And it's my last game before becoming King"

"Don't stress about it much. I will support you no matter what"
He walked closer to me.
"No. Go take a shower first, then you can cuddle with me"
He smiled
"Okay bossy"
He got his clean clothes and went to the bathroom.
I laid on my bed, thinking about it again.
Ben's POV
I got out of the shower.
And immediately I saw that Mal was thinking.
"What are you thinking about?" as I sat on the bed


"What kind of things?"

"Nothing much"
I took a deep breath.
"Mal. I could tell something is bothering you"

"Ben, I'm fine" she said

"Babe, I can tell that your lying"

"I'm not"

"Mal. I want to help you. But I can't do that unless you tell me whats wrong. And you know that I don't judge"
Then she sat up.
"I had another vision or dream"

She nodded
"Can you tell me?"
She nodded again
"Well, me, you and..........I was our........-" but she stopped

"It's okay you can tell me"

"son" she continued
I widened my eyes.
"Son?" I asked


"What actually were we doing?"

"We were at the park, maybe at someones 1st birthday party, possibly his party, our son. And we were playing on the playground that had a slide and I pushed him down and you were at the bottom, then you caught him and kissed his forehead"
I nodded with a smile.
"When was the last time you had a vision?" I asked

"Ever since that day I came to your room"

"That was a while back"


"Are you scared of these visions?" I asked

"I was at first, but then I realized that they are beautiful and they mean something to me"

"So you still want to have these so called visions?"

"I really do"

"Okay, well every single time that you have one, I want to know"
She nodded
"Let's just relax and cuddle" I added
We laid on her bed.
We watched a few movies.
Hours later...
It was now getting dark.
So that meant I had to go back to my dorm.
"I love you okay?" I said standing by the door
She nodded with a smile.
I leaned in, kissing her.
"If you need me please call me" I said


"I will see you tomorrow"
I winked at her and blew her a kiss.
Then I left back to my dorm.

Another random upload.
I've been lagging a lot, and I am very sorry for that.
Starting now these, chapters I'm writing in my new home.
After all that's happened to me, I've been writing a bit more to get some stuff off of my mind.
I still don't know when I'm coming back to my regular schedule.
I'm just going to randomly upload.
Thank you for all the support♥️
Please share this book! I will see you guys soon!

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