I Love You

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Mal's POV
"So what are you going to say when Ben asks you to prom?" Evie asked as we sat down to eat our lunch

"Evie, we talked about it, he told me that he will make it special and cute, but he hasn't done it yet"
She smiled
"Maybe he might do it right now"


"I'm being serious. Look." as she pointed to the stage inside the cafeteria.
I turned around and saw Ben with a guitar and a piano in the back.
"Oh no" I mumbled
There was other people on the stage with him.
"Excuse me everyone!" he said into the microphone
The whole cafeteria turned their attention to him.
Ben's parents were also in the cafeteria.
So was Audrey.
"So, as you may know, I have the world's most, amazing, loving, and beautiful girlfriend ever. This song is for her. Enjoy" he said
I sat there staring at him.
Then he strummed the guitar.
A/N Now click this video, it's a beautiful song from John Legend.
If you watch and listen to the lyrics it would make it more cuter.
In the beginning of the song Ben is strumming the guitar.
At one minute in the song that's when Ben changes to the piano.
And the background vocals are the people who are on stage with him.
So please watch the video!

The whole entire time he sang I stared at him with love. He did the same, he never let one eye off of me.

After the song...
The whole entire cafeteria cheered and clapped loud.
I did the same. I had a few tears coming down my face.
Then he spoke into the microphone.
Ben's POV
"Thank you!" as I was catching my breath
They cheered and cheered. My parents did the same.
But they still didn't know about Mal yet.
They thought I was singing about Audrey.
Once they were done cheering, I grabbed the microphone.
"Now it's time for me to ask someone special in my life to prom"
I looked at Mal.
The people who helped me sing the song they brought out a huge poster that said "Prom?"
"Mal" I said
"I love you. And yes it's my first time saying this to you, but I really do love you" I continued
Mal stared at me.
"Now with that being said, will you please go to prom with me?" I asked
The whole cafeteria turned to Mal.
She smiled
"Yes!" she said with tears in her eyes
The cafeteria cheered really loud and clapped.
I immediately made my way off the stage.
I was about to pass my parents but my dad grabbed my arm.
"Son. Your dating a villain? No, this is unacceptable" he said

"Dad, honestly I don't care what you guys think. I love her with all my heart"
I moved my arm away from him.
Then I walked away to go to Mal.
When I spotted her I immediately hugged her.
"Oh my gosh! I loved it so much" she said hugging me

"I'm glad you did"

"I love you too" she said
I quickly pulled out of the hug and looked at her.
Then I smiled, and placed a long and passionate kiss on her lips.
Once again the cafeteria kept cheering.
Then we both sat down and ate our lunch.
I made Mal a small picnic, with her favorite sandwiches, some fruit, mainly strawberries, and some pink lemonade.
"Did you want to hang out after school?" I asked

"I'm sorry, but I can't"
"I have to study for another test" she continued

"Maybe I can help you" as I smiled

"But then I'm going to get distracted"

"By what?"

"By your cuteness" as she smiled
I chuckled
"For real, I will help you. Please"

"Fine, okay"
"Meet me at my place after school" she continued
Lunch was over. We went to our next class.
After school...
Mal's POV
When I got to my dorm, Evie wasn't there.
She told me that she was hanging out with Doug.
I put my backpack down on my bed, then I opened it and took out my journal that was filled with my notes to study.
I sat down at the small table that was in our dorm.

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