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Today is the day I'm getting married, yeah i know I'm too young to get married, seriously like I'm just 21, and of course it's an arranged marriage or a deal between my mom and his parents.

Wait I'll introduce(my readers) to my soon-to-be husband, his name is Kim taehyung, I don't know much about him, I have met him I think 2 or 3 times before and they all were some family dinners, atleast by looks he feels like a chill out and fun guy. But we'll find it out tonight.

"Y/n are you done with your touch ups, the groom is waiting" My mom shouted, snapping me out of all my daydreams.

"Yeah mom I'm done" I informed getting out of the room, let's get this done!!!

As I reached the aisle I could see the king of Korea (in business a/n sry) Kim taehyung, looking like a god, its going to be fun living with him.

*Magical time skip*

"I now address you both as husband and wife" the room was filled with claps and cheers, as the priest confirmed us as married 🤑

The reception was also perfect just like the wedding, and the best part was that my little hubby was so shy that he was not even talking to me, and his stares couldn't be ignored too.

The car ride to our new house was quiet, I was really excited to see our new place.

As I entered the huge mansion, it was just woooow!!!, there were a trail of roses going to a room upstairs, I think I know where they are going to end, as I entered the room or our bedroom ☺️ there were roses all over the place, I went and sat on the bed, waiting for hubby.... I think Im already in love with him💜

As taehyung entered the room he's eyes got darker as he was fumming with anger.

"What happened? Baby" I asked curiously.

"What the f*** are you doing in my room, sitting on my bed! How dare you poor piece of shit" taehyung said pushing me down his bed on the floor, as he got his belt and started hitting me vigorously, as I thought he was done he got a bunch of my hair and started banging my head on the wall continuesly.

As he stopped he said "Damn there are no servants also to throw you out of here" he said as he threw me out of his room "and clean those shitty flowers till tomorrow morning" he said as he banged the door.

I was there sitting next to the wall of his door, a bit dizzy because of the last activities... my whole dress was drenched in blood, my wedding dress.... from my own eyes I can feel my life turning into hell...

But No, my heart was still feeling, that he might be in a bad mood or something would have happened, with that I wiped my tears and started cleaning the roses.

*Magical time skip*

It was 6 in the morning the cleaning and breakfast was done, as I was finding something to change into, I saw my suitcases thrown near the door. I changed into my casuals and washed the blood.

'If someone sees me like this they will just kill tae' that was the only thing that was going in my mind the whole time no one should know about this.

As it was 7 already, it was time for tae to wake up, I was a bit excited for my first day here.

And there he comes my lovely husband, I hope he is in a good mood today, just not like yesterday, a tear escape from my eyes remembering what happened yesterday, nobody has tried to hit me in my whole life, not even my parents...I quickly wipe my tears and approach him.

"Morning hubby!" I said joyfully

"Don't call me that bitch, I don't want to waste my energy again by hitting you" he said agressively.

I was (Jung)shooked by his answer

"And I have some rules for you
1. You are not allowed to enter my room
2. Stay away from my gaze as much as you can.
3. And we will only act to be a couple in front of my parents.
4. And don't talk to me or call me those shitty names, I just don't like some poor sympathy and gold digger people. Understood."

And after completing his long en long speech he left, I think to his company.

And now I was all alone, the maids help in finding my room and setting the stuff, I was sitting on the couch when I felt something licking and scraching my legs,

Awwww their was the cutest thing on this planet, ok i admit that I'm scared of every animal alive, yeah that's me, but this time I just wanted to cuddle with that fluffy cute puppy, as I got him up he started licking my face, it felt a bit gross but..... Whatever😅😅

*Time skipppp*

It was night, mostly taehyung can be here anytime and the dog was also a bit sleepy so I asked one of the maid, "where does he sleep? Miss" "the room next to sirs bedroom, mam" she smiled "thanks" I smiled. Yeah, what was I expecting a pet house, b**** he also has a room. As we entered the room. (His room is bigger than mine.) The second thing I noticed was his name was written on the wall "Yeontan" and he started barking joyfully. As I made him to bed, he fell deep asleep pretty quickly.

I asked one of the maids when will tae come back and she told me he will take more than 2 hours so I decided to cook something for him.

*Magical time skip*

The food was done and just in some seconds, the door Bell rung, yeah it was tae💜, I remembered his rules but still I don't want my love story to be like this soooo 'try try'😊

"Miss can you pls serve me dinner after I come back" taehyung said

"Yess sir, we have it served for you" one of the maid said.

As he came down I sat beside him yeah I think he ignored me while going, "I made this for you" I said cutely, expecting a similar reply....

This is my first fanfiction hope you all like it
I purple you
#armyforever 🎆
Thanks for the read

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