S e v e n

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Previously on He Never knew
*Tae's pov*

Is she drunk or what, having shoots , but yah she has a good body though🤤, EWWW what wrong with me. With that I went back to my room.

But now she knows about me and Jennie...it's good only now I can stay with my Jennie 24 into 7😘

*Y/n pov*

As I entered the conference room, all eyes were on me cuz.... I was half en hour late, "sry guys, I jimin today" I said giggling, everyone in the room started laughing, as jimin was glaring at me (A/n: 😂😅) . As the conference continued they told us about the album, scenes and that half of the album like 6 songs out of 12 have flirty lyrics, and make-out scenes in mv.

But I had to sign it cuz whatever it is jimin will be with me, and I don't mind to kiss him, yeah I have a lover who Hates and cheats on me, as I was thinking about him[taehyung], anger won against my tears and I signed the papers.

We also had the first teaser shooting, which was like a photoshoot, to put on the Insta sites. With that the staff did our make-up and all of it.

This was the first teaser 👇👇👇
(Imagine it as Y/n and Jimin)

This was the first teaser 👇👇👇(Imagine it as Y/n and Jimin)

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*Magical time skip*

The shooting was done but I don't know I feel a bit tipsy, I though it was just tirdness so I went home with a driver, but I don't think it was tiredness actually....

*Tae pov*

As I was sleeping alone, in my room cuz Jennie was busy with her things, it was when I heard the main door, who could it be... With that I heard a voice "Taehyung where are you?" It was y/n, why is she calling out my name, like some alcoholics, I heard the footsteps coming to my room, I switched on the lights.

And the door opened revealing y/n, wait I think she's drunk, she was wearing a red tank top with some ripped jeans, wavy hair and makeup, she was looking hot as hell, as she was going to fall I caught her in my arms, what's wrong with me, why am I touching her. It's not the main thing here, I should just put her to bed now.

As I got her to bed, she turned us around and pushed me to the bed, and hovered over me, I'm dead sure she will not remember anything till the next morning, she started caressing my cheeks, with her cold but soft and small hands, why am I letting her touch me, idk.

With that she spoke "you know I love you, to the moon and back, but you love that bitch Jennie" she called my baby a bitch but it didn't matter at the moment, as she confessed so cutely.

"What does I don't have that she has?" She questioned me pouting, how cute!

"I love you, pls love me" with that she kissed me, her lips were soft and smooth, I don't know why I kissed her back, but automatically my hand went to her neck to deepen the kiss, but it was when I noticed something....

There were hickeys/ Love bites on her neck, was she that angry that she made that jimin fuck her, with that I slapped her hard that made her face go to the left, I started hitting her back with my hands, I threw her to the ground and kicked her in her stomach till she was full of blood marks, I called a servant and told them to throw her in her room.

How can she lie like that, I knew she was a stripper, letting everyone touch her, she will never be the girl I love, and with that I slept.

*Y/n pov*

As I woke up in the corner of the corridor, once again having blood marks on my clothes, my makeup smudged, idk why but I remember everything from yesterday. The way he was first caring but as I connected our lips he changed, do my lips contain some poison. I thought and continued crying to myself.

After some time I got up as I remembered the schedule I have, I think it's better to stay away from him so I'll stay at the dorm. As I entered my room, and directly went to the washroom, they put so much make-up on me.

And for the shoot, they thought it will look hot to put some make up hickeys/ love bites on my neck, wait did tae saw those, nooo he just and just hates me.

Thanks for the read guys

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