T h i r t e e n

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Previously on He never knew
Tae pov

As I opened the door revealing y/n in jimin's arms....wtf

Tae: what the hell is going on?!
Y/n: I told u my legs were hurting , still u called here and didn't even come to pick me..?! NO OTHER WAY..
Tae: you could have called me...
Y/n: I thought you will be enjoying your quality time with Jennie, and why will you come you hate me on daily basis...

I don't hate you baby....

Tae: whatever

With that I got her from jimin's arms to my arms (in bridal style), and got her inside, as I was going to slam the door on jimin's face, y/n stopped it... And said...

Y/n: don't lock the doors, I'll be there la-
Jimin: sure y/-

Dhaaap I slammed the door on his face, as I asked y/n...

Tae: you don't have a single room for you?
Y/n: No, I have a double bed-
Tae: you are sharing a bed with jimin!!!


Y/n: no, we have two separate bedrooms in our suit...

Ohhh, with that I placed her on the couch, Jennie was not around as she was attending a call... Oh I forgot y/n had an injury...

Tae: what happened to your leg...
Y/n: just some pain...
Tae hmmed

With that I made her lay on the couch, and got her ankle in my hand, seeing it red and having heel marks...I removed her heels...

Y/n pov

Tae: why do you wear heels?
Y/n: it's a part of my job...

Why does it feels like he cares about me... No I must be hallucinating....

Tae: where do you work?

As he said that he came a bit closer to my face....

Y/n: I can't tell you...
Tae chuckled
Tae: why did you marry me?

He once again got closer our faces/lips had 10-13 cm distance....I was started getting scared...he only came this close to me when he abused me...

Y/n: my mom told me to marry you...
Tae chuckled and said
Tae: so your whole family wants money...

I would have fired back but he was coming closer and closer by every which was making me nervous...

Tae: why do you love me?

*Because you made me fall for you so easily Lee y/n..._ tae thought*

He didn't break the eye contact, but how did he found out was I that obvious, as I came back from my thoughts, I was shocked to see tae 2cm away from my lips... And he leaned in for kissing I closed my eyes..... But then....

The door Bell rang, as tae was shocked and got up and went for the door breathing heavily....

*What is wrong with you tae, what is she doing to you...._ tae thought*

It was Jennie on the door, as I was at the arge to leave, but why did I come here....ohh tae called me I'll ask him...

Y/n: hey Jen
Jennie: hi y/n...why are you here this late...
Y/n: I just came from work and tae asked me to come here...
Tae: ohh yeah, mom and dad want us to have a pic with the decorations of our room....
(Cuz it was an honeymoon suite)
Y/n: ohhk

With that we took some pictures and I left the room....

But the incident that happened between me and tae kept haunting me...

*After 2 months*

It's been two months, I continued having concerts and and fun with jimin. I didn't have much conversations with tae after that incident, and tried my best to ignore him...

As his parents wanted the pics, we usually got it on the airport, as we had same flights, after we parted our routes, he also didn't try to talk to me about the incident....

And now we were in Maldives for blamin's second teaser shoot, and the trouble our way...

Tae's mom texted me that she wanted a picture of me and tae, on the beach like why???????

But my plan was that I will tell tae that the cameramens that came to take my and jimin's pics, were the ones I booked for clicking our pics(y/n and tae)

At the beach

I was wearing a beach outfit, cuz I don't think I will be that confident in wearing a bikini in front of tae, it was like this one. 👇👇👇

They dyed my hair again into this👇👇👇

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They dyed my hair again into this👇👇👇

Looking pretty goooood, let's see what drama will take place after I get out of my dressing room

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Looking pretty goooood, let's see what drama will take place after I get out of my dressing room....(just beside the beach)

Let's see blaze, what will happen?
I got a new ship name # taeze...💜
Any shipper🤣
Thanku for the read

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