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Previously on He Never knew
*Taehyung pov*

"Thanks, btw I'm y/n's closest best friend forever" I think more like friends with benefits, he said getting his hands forward to shake "I'm Kim taehyung, y/n's husband" I said shaking his hand. "You are blaze's husband" he said giving an eww smile, like what I'm better than you, who are you judging me, I own the Kim enterprises''I'm " I said in disgust, wait what's happening to me nowadays, I usually hate being called her husband, and we decided to act like that just in front of my parents, but who is he? Uuu Ggg

*Jimin's pov*

As I saw taehyung in the hospital, I thought he was just one more life she helped on this planet, but today as I found out he was her husband, I can just saw luck just wasn't her side, cuz he was not at all her type, whatever let's see my y/n 💜

As I walked to her room, she was on her bed wearing something not at all her style, by that i can say she is hiding something from this place or these people. As she was busy on her phone sleeping on her stomach on the bed, I got a pillow and sacked her with it, as she screamed "jiminie I hate you" while getting a pillow and throwing it on my face, but I was ready for a fight, "no, you love me" with we wasted a half an hour fighting till she lost, she was panting and I was too, she gave a tough fight too. "So you started exercising" I asked "yeah from yesterday" she said, showing her small abs.

*Y/n pov*

As I was talking to Jimin, Jennie came to my room and actually said "I'm taking tae for a walk" I gave her a nod. And she left.

I have not been out for a long time, cuz tae restricted that too, but as jimin is here I'm thinking to have a visit at the amusement park, wait I'll ask jimin first "let's go to the amusement park" I and jimin said in unison 😊☺️ "okay, but I have to ask tae first" I said acting sad "go fast" he said

As I exited the room, and went to tae's room, I knocked and stood back as I was not allowed in his room. "What do you want bitch" he asked as Jennie was helping him in standing straight and he was clinging on her, this view usually hurts, but I suppressed my tears and asked looking down "can I go to the amusement park with jimin, pls" "ok, but be back early" with that I left the room.

As I entered the room, jimin was carrying an outfits in his hand "go and wear it"

As I went to the washroom and changed into that outfit, actually mine and jimin's fashion sense is damn same, so usually when he's with me, he chooses my outfits, and I have no regrets in wearing them. "Do you have an extra mask? Jiminnie" I asked while coming out of the washroom. "Yeah, take this" he gave me the mask, I took it and stuffed it in my pocket.

As I was walking out with Jimin, I tried to ignore Taehyung's stares. His eyes were just fixed on me and my body. Cuz from the time I'm here I used to wear the clothes my mom gave me which were damn old style, no jeans or I'll just say not my style.

"Let's take my car" jimin said "I wanted to go by my bike, but it's at my place so let's go" I said acting sad "Do you remem- " I cut him off by saying "Kaja jiminnie"
With that we drove to the amusement park, as we parked at the amusement we got a call from our producer saying that our world tour is delayed for a week. Yessss I was not scared anymore to call him, I hope he never knows. With that we entered the amusement park with the vip lane, and started going to rides.

*Taehyung pov*

As planned we were going to the park, but while sitting on the couch while Jennie was doing some makeup touch ups I asked her if we can go to the amusement park and she said Yes, with that jimin and y/n were walking out of the door, wait y/n looked a bit different she wasn't wearing her normal clothes, she was wearing a crop top and jeans, dude she has a good body too, a petite figure, long legs and a great ass. F*** what's wrong with me, with that she and her boyfriend left, and Jennie was back she was looking really cute in her red dress, I think I like her 💘

While we were in the car, I remembered that y/n was talking about going to an amusement park. I hope we don't meet her, she's in such a mood.

As we reached there, Jennie saw the vip lane and asked me to go there and I did what she said, as we were in a lane (they were just second) we saw the girl and boy in front of us looked familiar...

Wait they were jimin and y/n, but why are they wearing masks, as I saw them clearly y/n was paying, it must be jimin's card I don't think she can afford the ticket too, using jimin's money such a gold digger, huh

No cliffhanger here,
But the next one has a surprise
Thanks for the read

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