E i g h t

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Previously on He Never knew
*Y/n pov*

After the incident , I haven't seen taehyung since 2 weeks and I have only 2 days left before the world tour... And yah I haven't even got permission from my mom neither my cheater .. I'm planning to get the permission today and go home get my bags and have my blazey world tour with jimin.


Y/n: Mom , while you are signing the contract of world tour let tell u something important..

Mom: hm.. tell me what is it

Y/n: mom .. taehyung doens't love me.. he just doesn't love me..we have decided to stay as far from each other as much we can .. I wanted to tell this so that u don't push me to him as his parents do..

Mom: it s okay honey.. I can understand ... Maybe he is not the one made for u .. I had smelled something like this and made a contract stating if anything like this happens 50% of his house is yours, get it signed from taehyung.

Y/n : sure .. mom I'll make sure of it.. bye .. love u..

[* I go back to home to get taehyung 's permission*]

Y/n : Taehyung can we talk for a moment..

Tae: make it quick I don't have time.

Y/n: plss .. have a look at this contract .. it says that 50% of ur house is mine

Tae: sure .. have it .. after all I'm more richer than .... Ur just a gold digger ... And after the divorce u should have some where to live

Y/n : I'm so thankful to u.. thank for it wisdom money.. I would spent it like mine..

Taehyung was just staring at her like she was a alien, it was the first time tae saw the badass side of y/n

I got the papers signed but now I have to ask him about the world tour, here goes nothing

Y/n: I wanted to ask you about one more thing.
Tae: be fast nutshell
Y/n: I will be out from the country for my world to-

With that my phone rung, it was jiminnie, I told him i won't come to the company today still he called.

Y/n: what bitch!
Jimin: last time I was with you it was jiminnie oppa..
Y/n: why did you call jimmiiiniieeee ooppppaaaaa... I know my suitcases are packed this time, we will leave at 12 promise..
Jimin: ummm...yeah but producer wants you to sign the last things of the world tour...
Y/n: you sign it for you know how to make it..
Jimin: but he wants you...
Y/n: uurgh, I sometimes really hate that motherfu**er!
Jimin: stop cursing and be here now...
Y/n : k bitch

With that you cut the phone, seeing a shocked tae standing with his open mouth, but he got back to world fast...
He knew it was jimin still he asked

Tae: who was it?
Y/n: it was jimin, I have to leave, I will be back in 2 hours...
Tae: ummm.. sure golddigger..

I rolled my eyes at his last words, and went to sign those papers, yeah I love our producer but sometimes he's really trouble some...

*Tae pov*

I sign those agreements that she gave cuz I think I can buy many mansions like this, and she once again proved me she's a golddigger.huhh

What is this side of y/n I have never seen her cursing before, and that also in front of me, with that she's gone again.

But one think that hit me was that she is going to a world tour with jimin without my permission, i think I should do something...1. to know the real shit going between them. 2. I can get some trash on her in the divorce process...

Hmm let me see what I can do she is leaving tomorrow morning right, huh many hours left...

The stories is turning interesting day by day
Let's get to the tea fast..
Thanks for the read

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