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Previously on he never knew
Y/n pov

"Lee blaze" shit, I'm dead I forgot the goddamn rules, and the person was my one and only jiminnie 💜💥

I was happy to meet him after so long, but wait... he looked pissed...

I gave him a guilty smile, while he was walking towards me. "You know if our producer, in any way finds out, you went through a surgery you will just be *he did the gunshot sign*" cute like always.

"Be a bit low, and oppa he is my husb-" he cut me off and said "you are the most helpful person, full with empathy. The last time you did something like this, you almost got raped, and what about army's how scared will they be, you are not aloud to drive also bitch!" I just gave him a securing smile, when I found he was tearing up a bit.

I tried to reach him but my stomach area hurted, as he caught me in his embrace me " you now... how scared I was knowing you are in the OT, I thought something bad happened to you" he said crying "im sorry, I'll never try this stunts again" I said wiping his eyes. "btw, You will have bed rest for how many days more" I looked down as he asked "2 weeks" I whispered "WHAT!!! You know your world tour is coming right, and will you be able to do the heavy exercises, and IM NOT THE ONE TALKING TO YG like last time" he screamed the last words.

And I acted like crying, "just postpone it for 1 more week plss" I said doing my very famous puppy eyes "don't use that magic, but we will call him tomorrow" he said
"K, be at my place at 5, I will message you the address" I smiled at him "okay, bye love" he said and pecked my cheek. And left he must be busy too, his world tour was also starting with me, we are actually going together. Wait, I hope tae didn't hear anything,

*Tae pov*

I was bit confused, I have never seen that guy before, wait does y/n already has a extra marital affair, noooo but why was he crying, which producer, what world tour, and she's a gold digger not a "full of empathy" and what rape was he talking about, and the most thing I remember is that why did he call her love, wait he is coming home after discharge at that time we will see.

I think I have heard YG let's Google him.....
Wait what the F , she can't be connected to this producer, they would be talking about some strip club producer Huuh....

I'm really sry, pls don't take the information connected to the surgery seriously, cuz I don't know much about it, I'm just putting my own things which go with the story.
(Sry if my information is wrong)

*Back to the story*

*Magical time skipppp*

Y/n pov

It's been a week since I got discharged, I'm feeling pretty well I can walk and do pretty much everything. But tae still can't walk he will take 1 or more a month to walk, he has a therapist known as Jennie, but I don't know why she gives me bad vibes. Whatever...

Btw today Jimin is coming at my place to call YG, the the doorbell rung I think it is jennie, she came in a I bowed to her, but like always she ignored me and went upstairs B**ch.

And the bell rung again, becuz of the last incidence I was not interested to open the door... I was just on my phone, in my bedroom.

The maid open the door and I can hear tae asking who is it, as his room was two rooms away from mine, "it's park jimin" the servant said, I was excited but I wanted him to find me.

"Send him in" I said "who is he?" Tae said at the same time. "Just send him" I said "where is blaze?" Jimin asked "they all are upstairs" the maid said confused, cuz no one calls me blaze here they call me y/n.

Jimin came upstairs "where are you, babe?" He said as he entered one of the room, In which I think tae and Jennie were there.

*Taehyung pov*

Now who is this jimin bitch, but y/n yelled to send him in, I heard him come upstairs, I think he must be the guy from hospital. I don't care, "where are you, babe?" Wait who is this babe, is he talking about y/n , this bastard, wait why do I care. With that someone opened the door, Jennie was with me, as she was helping me with some exercise, as the door opened I see a guy, wait yeah he is the same one from hospital.

"Blaze are you here?" He said, "who is blaze?" I asked, "yeah, you people call him y/n right, where is she?" He said, ohh blaze must be her nickname. "She is in the last room of the corridor on left" I said "thanks, btw I'm park jimin, y/n's closest best friend forever" he feels more like friend with benefits, I thought.

Thank you for the read.
See you in the next chapter

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