T w e n t y

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Previously on He never knew
Y/n pov

As I was having my last minutes with army, btw i was wearing this👇👇👇

I heard someone walking towards I thought it was jimin as he loved to surprise me like that

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I heard someone walking towards I thought it was jimin as he loved to surprise me like that.... But when I turned back it was.....


What is he doing here? He had flowers in one of his hands and a box in another? I must be hallucinating.....

As he is coming closer no this is real, the army's also went silent, as he hugged me and said....

Tae: I love you....

Oh my god he confessed he atlast loves me.... All the army's couldn't ear it but some cameras captured it.....

As I heard a voice from my earpiece..... It was my manager....

Ma: blaze what are you doing? You can't do this in front of the army's...... Pls blaze YG will fire me pls blaze...

My heart broke.... I forgot I was a idol... I just can't....as he (tae) opened the small box, carrying a beautiful ring.... What should I do?

Ma: pls the fans will be disappointed..... Blamin will be faked pls try to understand... I know it's hard....

He(manager) was crying, the army's were dead silent..... I should do something he's right army's will be disappointed..... But taehyung... No blaze its not the time to be selfish..... What should I do???

Ma: blaze you can say that he is your step brother....

Ok you have to do this....

I muttered a sorry to tae, as I know I'll break his heart tonight...... I don't think I his deserve love.....

Y/n: I love you too tae...

As I turned to the army, putting a smile on my face and said....

Y/n: hey army, don't get it wrong... He is just my step brother....

I could feel tae's face fall as I said that.... Tears started forming at the corners of my eyes as I saw him crying..... I hugged him tightly so that the cameras won't capture him......

With that I took my leave from army, and went back stage, as I ran towards my dressing room.... They don't need to see me cry...

Just after a few minutes, someone knocked on he door, as I ignored....

Tae: open the door, or I will break it.....

I tried to ignore, but after two or three kicks the door kicked open....

Tae looked furious.... The tear stains were still on his face.....

Tae: you love to play with people's feelings right? First making them hate you, than making them love you and once again making them hate you, what do you want from me? Leave me why did you cheat my parents acting like some beggars in front of them.... huhh you are living your dream seeing me like this right.... Desparate for your love.... Huhh you are just another slut..... It was my mistake I fell for you..... For a heartless bitch!!!

I was quiet as I knew this was going to happen, I was selfish to him out their but his words were hurting a lot more than his hands......

I flinched as he said.....

Tae: I hate you.... Y/n!!! I hate you.....

As he got his right hand up and slapped me as I head went to the other side...... As I heard a scream.....

Jimin: what the f*CK is going on here?
Tae: ask that to your selfish slut.....
Jimin: first.... Tae you don't know anything about a idols life.... And I told you that I'll help you but now...... I don't want you near her.... Forever stay the fuck away from her!!! Whatever your pain is, hitting a women is not the right thing....

With that he threw a punch on tae's nose making it bleed.....

Y/n: jimin... Pls don't.....
Jimin: I was so stupid.... Thinking he loved you.....

As tae whiped his blood and said.....

Tae: I actually loved her jimin.... But now I hate her.... You guys all are the same!!!

With that he left the room, leaving me crying in jimin's embrace.....

A lot of drama took place over here.....
Stay tuned for more...
Thanks for the read

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