S i x t e e n

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Previously on He never knew
Y/n pov

As I knocked on tae's door, he opened it, looking cute like always, btw he was looking like this👇👇👇👇

As I knocked on tae's door, he opened it, looking cute like always, btw he was looking like this👇👇👇👇

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Tae: Hi blaze...
Y/n: you just woke up?
Tae: yeah you woke me up....
Y/n: tae it's 1 in the afternoon....
Tae: I'll freshen up....can you pls pack my things, we have to leave right....
Y/n: ok sure go clean up....

* Magical time skip*

Tae came back, looking like this👇👇👇👇

Tae came back, looking like this👇👇👇👇

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( Just ignore the mask and bag_ a/n)

Why does he look so good in everything, aaah just soooo goood.....

Tae: you know staring is rude.... Right
Y/n: Huuh I have packed your stuff...

But staring what's yours is gooood....😋

Tae: where are we going next?
Y/n: I was here to talk about that only...
Tae hmmed
Y/n: you will be going to Australia with jimin....
Tae: wait you're not coming with us or what?
Y/n: yeah I'll be in Japan, you remember the dates we will be at different places, it's tomorrow.... And when I requested my manager if I can ditch Japan and be with you....
Tae: Aaand...
Y/n: she mixed up big time.... Jimin will be there instead of me....
Tae: what?
Y/n: yeah...
Tae: ohhhk
Y/n: so we are cool....
Tae: yeah... But I don't promise anything....
Y/n: I should leave my flight is in an hour...
Tae: k bye...
Y/n: but pls do me a favour....and stay with jimin all the time
He nodded

With that I left for getting ready, and here I come Japan's army!!!!

After this, the chapter will be in taehyung pov, and only show jimin's and tae's trip in Australia, as y/n will be busy with the concerts.....💜

Tae pov

Our flight to Australia was really boring, as jimin was sleeping the whole, I still wonder why he and y/n have such a good bond, they don't feel like brother and sister, atleast after that photoshoot.....

I wanna know about their bond and their secret...Wait let me search it on Google if I can get any plan.... 😅😅😅

Ohh I actually got an idea, it was written (on Google) if you wanna know some secrets from a guy, get him to a bar, make him drunk as hell, and you should also drink with him but put your phone on recording mode the whole night so that if he tells some secrets/ truth you will have it recorded....

Let's do this tonight.... We will have no more secrets after this y/n....

As we reached resory I asked jimin....

Tae: let's go to the bar tonight'
Jimin: yeah I have heard the bar attached to this resort is famous for its cocktails...
Tae: yeah let's meet here at 9
Jimin: yeah guys time!!!!

With that we went to our rooms...

*Magical time skipppp*

It was 9 and I was ready to know the secrets, damn I'm nervous btw I was wearing this👇👇👇

It was 9 and I was ready to know the secrets, damn I'm nervous btw I was wearing this👇👇👇

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I set my phone on recording and kept it inside my pocket....with that I went to the resort lobby where I saw jimin, btw he was wearing this👇👇👇

with that I went to the resort lobby where I saw jimin, btw he was wearing this👇👇👇

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Jimin: let's go tae!!!
Tae: yeah... Let's make the paarty!!!!

With that we went to the bar, as we started drinking, what was it yeah he should be high, so I started getting him strong drinks, after some 6-7 rounds of cocktails and shots, he started talking....

*Magical time skipppp*

Huhh I woke up in my bed, ughhhh I hate hangovers, I had it like... after 2 years, I don't remember anything duhh....

Wait the recording.....ohh yeah it is still on which means every single thing is recorded....ok let's do this....as I started the recording first there were only some sounds of drinks pouring, music, etc....

But then the talk started....

Jimin: who do you think y/n is???
Tae: a slut who married me for my money!!!
Jimin: you know I'm an idol....
Tae: yeah...
Jimin: if I'm right your company is a multi-million making one....
Tae: yeah....
Jimin: you know y/n makes a billion in a single concert....
Tae: what do you mean???
Jimin: you know k-pop IDOL or singers have live concerts, so the people who come to watch it give money, and the idol gets the money!!!
Tae: you mean y/n is a k-pop IDOL!!!

The conversation that was going between tae and Jimmy was recorded, his reaction will be in the next part.....
Thanks for the read

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