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Previously on He never knew
Y/n pov

After I dyed my hair the designer gave me 4 between all of them I chose two, but I was still confused and once jimin was busy with his makeup, and I have a plan of making a new friend today so let's do it, and I'm not doing this to get closer to tae, yeah I love tae a lot, but I think it's better to see him happy with his own love, and It will be hard to love while being with him for an hour, and I want army to have me all to themselves...😁😁😁

One of the outfit was cute and other one was sexy, as I'm also a fashion icon I always get the best dresses💜
The cute dress was👇👇👇

One of the outfit was cute and other one was sexy, as I'm also a fashion icon I always get the best dresses💜The cute dress was👇👇👇

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And the sexy dress was👇👇👇

And the sexy dress was👇👇👇

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I showed them to Jennie...

Y/n: which one dude?
(Jen and tae were ofcourse together)
Jennie: the cute one
Tae: the sexy one

They both said it at the same time, As Jennie gave tae a weird look, and tae said he was just kidding and he only loves her and some love shit...huh

With that I left as they were continuing the shit, and wore the sexy one as tae said, hmm 😏😅

As I was done It was time to land, jimin was also done, he was looking like this👇👇👇

Y/n: why do you always look hot in your stage outfits?Jimin: because my fans like sexy jiminnie

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Y/n: why do you always look hot in your stage outfits?
Jimin: because my fans like sexy jiminnie...
Y/n: or you do it on purpose to get a lots of girls...
Jimin: ummm you have a point.... But atlast you will the only girl I love...

He said pulling me into a side- hug..

Y/n: oh shut up bitch ' you will be the only girl I love' (I said mimicking him)
Jimin: okay stob it...

*Tae pov*

I was cuddling with Jennie when I saw y/n coming back to her sit from where she went idk... Oooh she wore the one I said, she looking like a piece of cake, the most tempting one....her legs are so long and **** hair colour suits her so goooood.....I'm in love with this girl, she's perfect in every single thing....

Wait what the fucking fuck is wrong with me!!! No I only love Jennie she better than y/n...yeah okay calm down....

With that jimin came back to his seat...

Y/n: why do you always look so hot in your stage outfits?

What she thinks he's got, I'm 100 times hotter than him, just see me shirtless and you will faint by being blessed by my abs, 'jimin is hot' Huuh

As I tried not to pay attention to their conversation but atlast I heard jimin saying

Jimin: ummm...you have a point but atlast you will be the only girl I love

What the hell is going on here? Y/n please reject him, say something to make your husband proud, you can curse tooo but pls... With that she said

Y/n: oh shut up bitch 'you will be the only girl I love'

Good girl....

*At the airport*

Y/n pov

We just landed, as said I and jimin went to our concert venue, leaving Jennie and tae at the as they went to there hotel room...

I performed solo, clarity and D4 (du ddu du ddu)
Jimin performed blood, sweet and tears, idol and boy with luv....

Army's liked it a lot as we were done and exhausted, we got our car and said the driver to take us (y/n and jimin) to our hotel.

As we were in the car I got a call from taehyung...

Tae: y/n where are I have been calling you like hundreds of times!!!
Y/n: ummm I was too busy to pick up your calls
Tae: you could have atleast replied my texts....
Y/n: ummm sry...
Tae: where are you now?
Y/n: I'm in the cab, I will get to the hotel in 5
Tae: come to my room first...
Y/n: why my legs are hurting because of the heels....
Tae: just come here, room no. 1305...
Y/n: k

It's true my legs are hurting, because I have to wear 4 inch heels, i don't know why, YG has a fetish for tall girls.... Wait I should tell jimin...

Y/n: oppa I have to go to tae's room first....
Jimin: why?
Y/n: idk
Jimin: I will send you their, I know your feets need air after those heels...
Y/n: but you are also tired right...
Jimin: no last concert you helped me when I was drunk now I will help you...
Y/n: don't remind me that.... It was so bad you were puking everywhere, like every single place...
Jimin: I hate you...( He playfully punched your shoulder)
Driver: we are here...
Jimin and y/n: thank you, bye...

As I took a step out of the car my legs started to hurt, so jimin carried me with his hands, I was shocked at first, but when I realised it was jimin, I put my hand around his shoulder.... I told him the room no. And he got me there... As we rung the bell we say tae... Opening the door...

Tae: what the hell is going on!!!!

Thanks for the read guys,
You can also check out my other story
' Love equations, on trigger 's

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