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Previously on He never knew
*At the amusement park*

Y/n pov.

"I can't believe we rided every single thing here" I said "we did that last time too" I spanked him at the statement, as we sat on a bench "can you get me some cotton candy" I whined like a baby "Nope, I know your on diet" I scoffed

"When are you going to tell them" he said
"Tell them what?" I asked
"That you are a k-pop IDOL, you're the beloved Lee Blaze, btw he was treating you I can say he doesn't know" he said
"Yeah, he thinks I'm a gold digger" I said
"He doesn't know you can buy his precious company within a second" he said smiling
"I don't think, it's a million making company" I said
"Bitch, you make billion's within a concert, and 1/4 of this planet consist of army's (your fandom name) , do you still miss blackpink"
You giggled at his first words, but then we're quiet "yeah sometime" I said
"But what's better blackpink, you know?" He said
"What?" I asked him
"Blamin...💘"[blaze and jimin]he said putting his hand around my shoulder.
"What's that jimin?" I asked getting close to him.
Suddenly he was seated stiff, "what happened" I asked seriously
"They are recording us" he said pointing towards some saesang.
"They are blamin, follow them" the saesang screamed
We started running as fast as possible, as we peeped back,we saw a bunch of people were already running after us. "I knew blamin was real" "blaze is so hot" "jimin is the best" "they are made for each" Fans chanted, all the fans were going crazy, and were running behind us, as soon as we entered the car, we fastly drove to his apartment. "What if YG finds this out?" Jimin asked, I was going to reply but was cut by my ringing phone.

It's yg, "Blaze, are you with jimin?" He asked "yes sir.." I replied worried "as we already know that you were roaming around the amusement park without bodyguards, I was pissed at it but we will talk about it later" he said "sry sir" I replied as I put the phone on speaker, so that jimin can also hear it " so, as this was the 6th time you were spotted together, so army's have now stopped shipping you with other bandboys, and you both are similarly talented, so I was wondering..." He said "so what were you thinking?" We said in unison "*he cleared his throat* I want you to to collaborate on the next come back as a couple, after the world tour, do you agree?"
He said "yes we are in" we both scream in unison "ok, good night" he said and cut the call.

With that one of his driver's left me at my house (tae's mansion) as the lights were dime, so I thought he must be sleeping, but only his rooms light were on. So I just decided to have a glimpse, as i usually watch him sleeping.

As I went upstairs, I heard moans...coming from taehyung's room, no noo it's not what you're thinking y/n, noo he can't do this to me, but he can do it, he doesn't love

And as I peeked into the door, my only nightmare was going live infront of me, hot tears roll down my eyes, my heart started aching, my legs felt jelly.

I just saw my love f**king someone infront of my eyes, I walked to the room, and fall on my bed, trying to close my ears so that I can stop hearing her moaning taehyung's name. Why do I always end up like this I took the sleeping pills from dressing table and gulped two pills down just thinking 'stay strong for army's '

*Tae's pov*

As I was in the amusement park with Jennie, I was just sitting cuz it was hard to walk and my cutie Jennie will also get tired if I keep clinging on her like that.

As I was looking around I saw y/n with jimin, waiting for the tickets of the rollercoaster, she looked really excited, she was all smily smily, I hope our kids get her bunny smile, wait what the heck was that though, uuuurgh

After some time

I was sitting on the bench just looking around mostly Y/n cuz Jen was busy with her calls she said they were really important, so I didn't disturb her, as I saw y/n and jimin walking to a bench, I think they rode every single ride here.

They were sitting cross me, but they didn't notice me I think so, as they were talking y/n looked a bit sad, but jimin lifted her mood, as they were talking jimin put his hand around y/n's shoulder, wtf you have a husband remove his hand now, remove it, but she just pissed me by going close to him, whaaat! Now I was glaring at them, wth is this feeling.

Thanks for the read

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