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Previously on "He never knew"
He came down and I sat beside him yeah I think he ignored me while going up
"I made this for you" I said cutely expecting a similar reply.

As he stood up "I told you the rules too, still you want to act like a b**** and disobey" he said fumming in anger, with that he got a fist of my hair and dragged me to my room, throwing me in a corner, he carried one of my heels and started hitting the shit out of me...

As he was done he said "Eww, I never wanted to enter this room, and bitch! don't disobey me or you will be dead" with that he left the room, crushing my heart once again. Once again I was drenched in blood, how did I become so vulnerable, I just cried myself to sleep, just like the previous night.

From that time I decided I will try my best to stay away from him, if it makes him feel good

'why is love so shitty?' I questioned myself again and again.

*Magical time skipppp*
2months later***

I can't believe it's been 2 months, till the last time I had interactioned with tae, I just love to see him walk through the doorway, sleep in bedroom, cuz it's the better way... For my life, and ironically my vacation will end in a month.

It was a quite afternoon when I got a call, from taehyung's office saying he got in an..... Accident....

My brain stopped working, what happened to him, will he be ok, will he stay with me, will our love story stay in a...... grave.

'No Y/n stay confident nothing will happen to him, he's all okay, he will be with you forever 💜' these were the only lines repeating in my head while I was going to the hospital they told me.

*At the hospital*

"Mam, on which floor is Kim taehyung proceeded" I asked my eyes watery.
"Miss, he's on the third floor, OT3" she said I said thanks and left in the speed of light.

And I saw him there, on a stretcher, his shirt drenched in blood he was just going in the OT, but the doctor stopped them, saying he has no family person here.

I ran to the doctor, "Doctor, I'm his wife, you can give me the documents to sign"
I said, the doctor nodded "Miss the fees-" "don't worry about that doctor, I can pay it anytime, but what happened to him" I said the last words darn scared. "He will have an ankle surgery, and a lever transplant"
"Lever transplant, you want me have a check if I match it" "we got a lever but we aren't sure if it will match, yeah you should also do a check up"

I smiled and went to the room, where he directed me.

*Magical time skip*

"Doctor, we got a match, it's his wife" I was really happy that I could help him, till the time his parents were also there, and they got me to the OT.

As the doctors were discussing the requirements, I stared at taehyung 💜

I hope he stays healthy.... Forever....

Thanks for the read

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