Todoroki Doesn't Know.

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Bakugou told Jirou what song he wanted to sing.

"I'm surprised you wanna sing." Jirou said pulling up the song

Kirishima texted her earlier about the prank so she had to change the lyrics for Bakugou to sing. Luckily Bakugou agreed to sing this some otherwise she would have wasted her time.

"I'm only doing it because Dumb Hair wouldn't leave me alone about it." Bakugou said

I better not get in trouble for this.
"Ok. Get ready." Jirou told Bakugou

The music started to play.

Bakugou started to feel weird. He glanced over to Kirishima who was smirking. Then he saw Shinsou's eyes and everything fell in to place.

(Damnit, I'm getting pranked again.)

Bakugou started singing. It was his voice, but not his words.

"Todoroki doesn't know that Deku and me do it in my van every Sunday!" Bakugou sang the first lyric

"What?" Todoroki heard his name come out of Bakugou's mouth

Uraraka started laughing.

Iida exhaled and pushed his glasses up like a disappointed father.

Midoriya's eyes widen in shock and he blushed.

(Really! This is what they're making me do!)

"Deku tells him he's in class, but
he doesn't go
Still he's on his knees and
Todoroki doesn't know"

(Shitty Deku is looking at me, I gotta get out somehow!)

"Oh Todoroki doesn't know oh
So don't tell Todoroki
Todo doesn't know
Todo doesn't know
(So don't tell Todoroki!)
Deku says he's home studyin',
But he's under me"

Bakugous cheeks started to turn red
(Stop, stop that! How did Deku even break free? I can't even use my quirk!)

"And I'm not stoppin' 'cause
Todo doesn't know
Todo doesn't know
Todo doesn't know
Todo doesn't know
So don't tell Todoroki
Todoroki doesn't know
(Please don't tell Todoroki!)
I can't believe he's so trustin'
While I'm right behind you thrustin'"

Bakugou pointed at Midoriya.

(I'm gonna obliterate those two after this!)

"Deku's got him on the phone
And he's tryin' not to moan"

(Wait is Deku blushing? I just said he was "tryin' not to moan," but that doesn't give him any excuses to do that damnit!)

Midoriya was turning into a tomato then looked away in embarrassment.

"It's a three way call
And he knows nothin', nothin'
Todo doesn't know
Todo doesn't know
Todo doesn't know
Don't tell Todoroki 'cause
Todo doesn't..."

Bakugou was jumping up and down at that last part.

The song ended and everyone was shocked.

Shinsou stopped using his quirk.

Bakugou threw the microphone against the wall and it smashed to pieces.

"SHITTY HAIR, INSOMNI-FREAK, I'M GONNA MURDER YOU!" Bakugou's hands sparked and he ran after them

"That's our queue to run." Kirishima told Shinsou


They both took off.
Some of the students started laughing.
Unfortunately Midoriya's cheeks were still burning.

"That was very inappropriate, just as I had predicted." Iida said to his friends

"I agree, but it was kind of funny." Todoroki said

"What did you think Deku~?" Uraraka elbowed Midoriya

"I- I- I wasn't really pay- paying attention." Midoriya tried to say

"Sure you weren't." Uraraka giggled

"Uraraka leave him a alone." Iida said

"He can't help it if Bakugou likes him." Todoroki added

"Todoroki! Don't say that!" Midoriya whisper yelled

~Don't do that. Don't give me hope.~

"I'm just joking Midoriya." Todoroki said

Midoriya crossed his arms and started to pouting.

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