Hey Bakubro!

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"Hey Bakubro!" Kirishima said as he walked in

"I saw Midoriya outside and he said you were in here."

"Here I am, the hell do you want?"

"Just to check on you and to make sure you didn't kill Midoriya." Kirishima said

"Don't you have better things to do then follow me around like a damn puppy?"

"Jeez you're extra grumpy. Where'd tha bed come from?" Kirishima asked sitting down on Midoriya's bed while Bakugou still sat on the floor

"Deku had Thirteen bring it so I would have a bed to sleep in, instead of on the cold ass floor. It's all because I said my back hurt a little. Stupid useless idiot." Bakugou muttered the last part

"Did you say thank you. I mean kinda he went through a lot of trouble to get it." Kirishima asked already knowing Bakugou didn't say thanks

"Doubt it. He probably batted his pretty green eyes and they just gave it to him. The Nerd always gets what he wants."

[Pretty green eyes huh?]
"The bed kinda looks like your hero costume, dude." Kirishima pointed out

"Yea no shit Kiri." Bakugou rolled his eyes


"Did you at least say thank you to him?" Kirishima asked again

"No! He'll do more shit like that if I give him any form of praise."

He did say thanks, but he wasn't gonna tell Kirishima that.

"Bro you gotta be a little nice. He's letting you live with him, he got you a bed, and he's nice to you all the time even though you're not nice to him." Kirishima crossed his arms

"I can't if I'm nice all the sudden he'll think somethings up or he'll think I wanna be friends with him."

"But isn't that what you want?" Kirishima asked

"No! Yes? I don't know, but I have to do it slow."

"I think you're just scared." Kirishima smirked

"What, I'm not scared! What are you talking about bastard?" Bakugou got defensive

"I think you like Midoriya and are just afraid to admit it." Kirishima smirked

[There goes letting him figure it out himself.]

"What kind of conspiracy theory is that shit? Deku is gross and I deserve way better."

(No I definitely don't like him... Why am I being like this?)

"What ever sets off your explosions." Kirishima laughed

"Never ever say that again." Bakugou growled

"What? It's the Bakugou version of "Whatever floats your boat."

"I got that. Did you come in here just bother me?" Bakugou asked standing up

"No, I actually came to ask you if you wanted to go out to eat with Me, Denki, Sero, and Mina? Jirou's coming too."

"I'm not hungry... but thanks for asking." Bakugou said lowering his voice after the hungry

"Alrighty then, I can't keep them waiting so I gotta go." Kirishima hugged Bakugou

"Yea, have fun." Bakugou said patting Kirishima's back

Kirishima let go and headed for the door.

"Later dude, Red Riot out!"
Kirishima said saluting then shutting the door

"Shitty Hair." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"I'm gonna take a nap." Bakugou muttered walking to the borrowed bed

Bakugou laid on his bed and looked across him at Midoriya's bed and the dark depths under the bed.

(When he gets back I'll ask about it. I bet the little perv will be embarrassed that I found them.)

Bakugou shut his eyes and drifted away to dreamland.

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