Bed Time.

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Midoriya decided he was hungry so he went to make him something to eat. Bakugou was in the kitchen.

"I'll come back." Midoriya turned to leave

"Get whatever you came in here to get." Bakugou was making himself ramen

"I just assumed... you didn't want to see me after we got in trouble." Midoriya decided to make ramen also

"We live in the same room Nerd." Bakugou took his noodles out of the microwave

"I know, I meant outside our room." Midoriya said

(Our room..?)
Bakugou just rolled his eyes as he started to walk away.

"Hey do you want to put some cayenne in your noodles? It'll make it spicy." Midoriya asked

"We still have some?" Bakugou walked back

"Yea, let me find it for you." Midoriya searched the spice cabinet

Midoriya was on his tippy toes reaching for the cayenne
(I know it's in here somewhere.)

Bakugou just watched him.
(I'm just staring at him. Yea, that's not creepy at all.)

Midoriya found the container and gave it to Bakugou. Bakugou put a lot of cayenne on his noodles.

"Is that not going to be too hot Kacchan?"

"No." Bakugou answered

"Oh. Yea, hehe probably not for you." Midoriya laughed a little

Bakugou handed the cayenne back to Midoriya.

As Midoriya went to grab it their hands touched. Midoriya blushed a little.

(His hand is touching mine and he hasn't killed me yet!)

(Why can't I move? Why don't I want too?)

"Aww how cute, ribbit." Asui said

Midoriya jerked his hand away and rubbed the  back of his head.

Bakugou stayed in the same position for a few seconds longer then moved.

"Ha- hey Asui did you need something?"

"It's Tsu and I was getting something to eat, am I interrupting something? I can leave, ribbit." Asui smiled

"It's fine. Get whatever you need." Midoriya told her

"I was leaving." Bakugou sat the cayenne on the counter as he left the kitchen

"Midoriya, what was that about?" Asui asked

"Wha- what do you mean?" Midoriya asked nervously

"I walked in and you two were holding hands~." Asui said teasingly

"What! He was just handing me the cayenne to put it up. We weren't holding hands. Kacchan would never do that with me." Midoriya laughed nervously

"But would you hold his hand?" Asui asked

"He would kill me if I did that!" Midoriya panicked

"I'm just joking Midoriya you don't have to get so worked up, ribbit." Asui smiled

"Oh okay."
(What's happening to me?)

Midoriya put his noodles in the microwave. He put the cayenne up before he left.

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