Thanks Recovery Girl!

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"Don't you have a futon?" Aizawa walked with his hands in his pockets


"I offered him my bed and said I would sleep on the floor instead, but... he turned it down. He was complaining about back pain this morning that's why I wanted to get him a mattress." Midoriya explained

"Bakugou is annoyingly stubborn." Aizawa said

"I think it's helpful at times, but most of the time it does get in the way."

"You're not much different. Does Bakugou know your doing this for him?" Aizawa was curious

"Oh uh n- no." Midoriya fidgeting with his fingers

"I was afraid If told him that he would get mad and say "I don't need you damn help." Midoriya tried to sound like Bakugou

"You're probably right." Aizawa rolled his eyes

"Hey Aizawa Sensei I wanted to ask. I mean it's none of my business so you don't have to tell me, but what did you talk to Kacchan about when two went outside along with Present Mic this morning? He was acting a little off when he came back."

Aizawa though for a moment.

"I believe Bakugou is struggling with certain... emotions at the moment." Aizawa gave a vague answer

"Is there something I can do?" Midoriya asked

"I don't think so. He needs to sort them out himself and figure out what he wants to do. Or he'll just ignore it until it breaks him." Aizawa said

"I don't want that to happen!" Midoriya worried

"I doubt it'll come that." Aizawa shrugged

"Phew-" Midoriya was relieved

"Probably." Aizawa smirked 

"What!?" Midoriya got worried again

"Look we're here." Aizawa interrupts

"O- Oh." Midoriya realized

"Recovery Girl are you busy?" Aizawa asked the small lady

"Not at the moment." Recovery Girl turned in her chair

"Midoriya here has a favor to ask." Aizawa said

"Yes um, if it's not to much trouble and if you won't need it, may I borrow one of the hospital mattresses?" Midoriya asked kindly

"Borrow a mattress? What for?" Recovery Girl asked

"Bakugou decided it was a good idea to set his bed on fire and therefore it burned some of his room. So I made him move in with Midoriya for the time being. Now Midoriya being who he is, doesn't want Bakugou to have to sleep on the cold hard floor." Aizawa explain then yawned

"Oh you poor thing." Recovery Girl felt bad Midoriya got stuck with Bakugou

"I think we can sacrifice a bed to Mr. Explosion." Recovery Girl chuckled

"Really! Thank you so much!" Midoriya hugged Recovery Girl

"Alright don't squeeze me to tight, I'm old and fragile, boy." Recovery Girl smiled

"S- sorry!" Midoriya jumped back and bowed

"Let me call Thirteen to carry the mattress for you." Recovery Girl said walking to a side room

"Midoriya I probably should have asked this a few minutes ago, but do you actually have room for the mattress?" Aizawa said

"Oh yea. I moved my dresser closer to the door so there's enough space between it and my closet." Midoriya smiled

"You preplan everything don't you?" Aizawa asked raising an eyebrow

"I just put a lot of thought into things, I overthink a lot too." Midoriya got shy

"Except when it comes to doing what you're told." Aizawa pointed out

"Ye- Yea. Haha-" Midoriya laughed nervously

"Thirteen will be here in a few, so make yourselves at home, I have some paperwork to do." Recovery Girl said returning to the side room

"Okay, thank you." Aizawa sat in one of the chairs

Midoriya did the same. There was silence.

Aizawa had his eyes closed.

"What's up listeners!" Present Mic said entering the room

"Hey Present Mic!" Midoriya said cheerfully

"Hey Mic." Aizawa said in his gruff monotone voice

"What're y'all chillin' in here for? Did you break a body part again Midoriya?" Present Mic asked

"No Sensei." Midoriya answered

"Midoriya feels bad Bakugou has to sleep on the floor, so we asked Recovery Girl if he can borrow a mattress." Aizawa shorten the story

"I guess you're not feelin' to hot?" Present Mic noticed Aizawa didn't look as peppy as usual

"Just tired." Aizawa rubbed his eyes

"Aizawa Sensei you should sleep more, it's bad for your body if it doesn't get enough sleep." Midoriya said concerned

"I would sleep more, but someone keeps bothering be when I should be sleeping." Aizawa was definitely throwing shade to someone in the room

"Maybe if you asked them to leave you alone nicely, they will." Midoriya suggested

"Maybe I should." Aizawa glaring at Present Mic, but Midoriya didn't notice

"Hello, I'm sorry for being so late. Some of my students took longer than anticipated." Thirteen entered the room

"It's okay Thirteen your students are more important." Midoriya stood up

"Thank you for understanding Mr. Midoriya." Thirteen went to talk to Recovery Girl and see which bed was to be taken

Thirteen walked out from the side room with a mattress.

"Are we ready to go?" Thirteen asked

"Yes of course." Aizawa said standing

All three followed her out of the room.

"Thirteen is that not heavy?" Midoriya asked

"Not really, would you like to try caring it?" Thirteen asked jokingly

"No. Well I could, but I don't really want too." Midoriya said

Thirteen chuckled.

"I guess you're following us?" Aizawa asked Present Mic

"You know it, baby!" Present Mic said with finger guns

"Don't called me that." Aizawa said

Not much was said except for the many questions Midoriya asked Thirteen.

They all made it to Midoriya's room.

"I better knock before we go in." Midoriya said fixing to knock

"It's your room." Aizawa was confused

"Just to be safe." Midoriya knocked on the door
(Not making the same mistakes.)

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