Conflict Resolved?

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"The older you is just like now you." Bakugou looked towards the kitchen

"We have similarities, but there's definitely a difference." Midoriya replied

"Hm. Well the older me is nothing like me." Bakugou rolled his eyes and he turned his head back towards the tv

"That's tr- true." Midoriya agreed

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bakugou gave Midoriya a hateful look

"It's nothing bad! It's just... the older you seems to be able to express himself like he wants to, without restriction." Midoriya said

"Could you quit freakin nerd speaking and talk like a normal person?" Bakugou settled into the couch

"S-sorr- I mean, um- yea." Midoriya remembered Bakugou told him not to say sorry

He was uncomfortable, a little shocked, and slightly frightened that Bakugou was actually having a conversation with him. It's still kinda new to him especially if Bakugou initiates it.

Bakugou noticed Midoriya was staring at the floor in front of him.

(He looks scared, I don't want him to fear me, but I also don't wanna just start being all nice to him either. He's smart and he'll get suspicious.)

Bakugou exhaled.
(I'm gonna regret this.)


"Yea, Kacchan." Midoryia smiled nervously

(I'm so worried! Why's he so calm and not shouting at me? Did I do something? What did I do?)

"You don't... have to be scared of me." Bakugou said only loud enough for Midoriya to hear

There were a few students in the room, but they weren't paying attention to the two.

Midoriya was confused so he frowned.

(Scared of Kacchan? Why would I be scared of him? Is Kacchan actually worried about me? No, why would he be?)

"Kacchan... I'm not scared of you." Midoriya said in a serious tone

(What? That Nerd isn't afraid of me? I guess I need to put him back in is place then. Wait. Wait no. That's not what I need to do. We don't want to be like that anymore. This is good, he's not scare of me. But...)

"Then why do you stutter and look like a deer caught in headlights when you talk to me." Bakugou asked not making eye contact with Midoriya

"We- well I never know what you're thinking. If I'm annoying you or if you're happy with my presence. I don't wanna ma- make you mad or upset with me." Midoriya stammered

(Why would he think I'm annoyed when he's around me? It's probably because I act like I do. It sounds like he cares about my opinion of him though. Why the hell would he care?)

"So... you're saying you're worried about what I think of you?" Bakugou then looked a little confused at the sentence he said because he could have worded it better

~Think of me, think of me fondly, when we say goodbye~

(I said too much!)
"Uh-" Midoryia laughed awkwardly

"I guess... but it's not really your fault. Well it kinda is, because you only scowl at everything and everyone so it's hard to tell if you're happy, sad, or mad. I think it's because you're ego gets in the way-" Midoriya went off on a tangent

(My EGO!? I'll show you!)
"Just shuddup!" Bakugou hugged Midoriya

"Sorry! I didn't mean to mutter." Midoriya didn't realize Bakugou was hugging him

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