Let the Games begin!

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"How about we play a game." Midoriya suggested

"Can we play hide n' seek?" Toshi asked

"I love that game." Midoriya answered

"Hey, Bakugou wanna play hide n' seek." Toshi asked

"No. Leave me alone brat." Bakugou continued watching Tv

"Fine I bet you'd loose away." Toshi teased

"Pfft- I'm the king of hide n' seek." Bakugou said

"How should I know if you won't play?" Toshi challenged

"I'll play. One round only, got it?" Bakugou got up

"I'll count to ten while you two go hide then after I find you I'll hide. If you can't find me after ten minutes, I win." Bakugou said

"Challenge accepted." Toshi said

"No going outside, that's cheating."

"Dang okay." Toshi said
<<How did he know I was going to do

"Go hide." Bakugou covered his face

(I can't believe she got Kacchan to play a kids game.)

The two ran off while Bakugou counted to ten.

"Ready or not here I come!" Bakugou yelled

He started searching for them.

Bakugou found Midoriya hiding in kitchen pantry.

"Found you nerd." Bakugou smirked

"I thought I had a good spot hehe." Midoriya said awkwardly

"You thought wrong idiot. You know where she is?" Bakugou asked as he pulled Midoriya out of the pantry by his wrist harshly

"No." Midoriya answered

Bakugou continued his search for Toshi with Midoriya following behind.

He stopped to think.

"Having trouble Kacchan?" Midoriya asked

"No!" Bakugou snapped

Midoriya flinched.

(Wait, now that I think about it when Deku stepped out of the pantry I saw something move at the very bottom. I should go double check.)

Bakugou walked back to the kitchen with Midoriya close behind him.

(Oh no, he's gonna find her.)

"Didn't you already search in here?" Midoriya asked

"Shuddup. I know what I'm doing." Bakugou told him

He opened the pantry and squatted down to look.

Midoriya accidentally looked at Bakugou butt so he quickly looked away and had ha light blush.

(Don't do that Izuku!)

There was a space at the very bottom where a child could hide and be somewhat hidden by the bottom shelf.

"Oi, looser." Bakugou said as he saw her

"I totally had you for a while!" Toshi got out of her spot

"Did you two really hide in the same spot? That's stupid." He looked at Toshi then Midoriya

"I asked Midoriya to be a decoy. I assumed you would search high and low for me, but if you already found someone in a certain place you wouldn't comeback to it. It would have worked and it did for a while. So I don't think it was stupid, you just got lucky that I accidentally moved." Toshi said

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