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~I'm just like a window, I'm here da air it out. That's dated now lol.~

Midoriya woke up before his alarm.

(Not again.)

He yawned and stretched.

Midoriya walked over to the closet and got his school uniform and walked to the bathroom to get dressed. He put his uniform on, then washed his face, He tried to tame his hair, but it was useless. Midoriya coughed a couple times.

"Jeez, I hope I'm not getting Uraraka's cold."

"Get out! I need to take a piss." Bakugou banged on the door

Midoriya yelped and quickly opened the door.

"Sorry Kacchan." Midoriya smiled nervously

"Move." Bakugou pushed passed Midoriya

Midoriya walked out quickly and shut the door.

He gathered his books in his backpack so he wouldn't have to do it later. Bakugou came out of the bathroom.

"Why are you dressed already?"

"So I don't have to get dressed later I guess. What do you do in the morning?"

Bakugou walked back to his bed.

"I usually wake up ten minutes before we need to walk to class. I get dressed, wash my face, I brush my teeth then I walk to class."

"How do you have time to eat?" Midoriya asked

"I eat an apple or toast on the way to class."

"Oh, so that's why you come to class eating sometimes." Midoriya said thinking back

"Sometimes I'm late because I have to wait on Shitty Hair. He takes forever to style his stupid hair."

"Do you want me to bring you some breakfast? I'm going to go make me something."

"I don't give a shit." Bakugou said standing up

"Okay, I'll bring you something!" Midoriya walked out of their room

Bakugou did his morning routine a little early today.

"What do I do now? Guess I'll wait for the idiot to get back with my food."

Midoriya made it to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal like he always does.

(What do I make for Kacchan? He said he eats toast or an apple in the morning which I already knew. How about I make him peanut butter toast with apple slices on it. He'll like that right?)

Uraraka came into the kitchen as Midoriya was thinking.

"Hi, Uraraka how are you feeling this morning?"

"I feel so much better."

"That's great!"

"What are you doing?" Uraraka asked

"I'm making toast then I'm going to spread peanut butter on it and put apple slices on top."

"Sounds yummy, but if you're making that why is there a bowl of cereal?"

"Oh that's mine, I'm making this for Kacchan."

"How about you and Bakugou share that and I eat your cereal." Uraraka said

"But I like my cereal!" Midoriya whined

"You should eat something healthy for once." Uraraka smirked taking the bowl

"But-" Midoriya tried to argue

"I'm already eating it!" Uraraka left the kitchen with the bowl

"Ugh you're so mean!" Midoriya laughed

Midoriya made two more pieces so he would have something to eat. Then took it back to his room.

"I'm back with food!" Midoriya opened his door

"Finally I'm starving!" Bakugou said

Midoriya handed Bakugou the plate, but took two pieces and left two for Bakugou

"Oi! That's my food!"

"A- Actually, these two are for me. I used the same plate so we wouldn't dirty up another." Midoriya took a bite

"Don't you usually eat cereal?" Bakugou questioned as he took a bite

"I made me cereal, but Uraraka wanted it."

"So you just gave it to her?" Bakugou asked

"Actually she stole it, but if I really wanted a bowl of cereal I would have just made another one." Midoriya took another bite

"I would've chased Gravity Hater down and yelled at her if she stole my food."

"You wouldn't be Kacchan if you didn't." Midoriya laughed


Bakugou finished his breakfast and so did Midoriya. Midoriya went to brush his teeth and Bakugou followed to brush his teeth too.

The air felt awkward. To Midoriya a least.

Bakugou rinsed and spit then he put his toothbrush back in the cup.

"If you're worried about last night, don't. I won't ask about it again." Bakugou walked out of the bathroom

Midoriya was stunned.
(That was nice, Kacchan's being nice? Does he have a cold?)

Midoriya repeated what Bakugou did. then left the bathroom too.

Bakugou was leaving when Midoriya came out of the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Midoriya asked

Bakugou turned his head.

"None of your business Deku."

Then he shut the door.

"I was just asking. You don't have to be such a meanie." Midoriya muttered

Midoriya grabbed his backpack and his phone and headed out the door to meet up with Iida, Uraraka, Asui, and Todoroki.

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