Deku can't say no.

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Midoriya got up from floor and smoothed his clothes.

Toshi noticed Bakugou staring at Midoriya as he fixed the couch pillows again.

She walked to Bakugou, he hadn't notice yet.

She grabbed his pants leg and tugged a little getting his attention.

"What do you want?" He said not looking at her

"I need to ask you something." Toshi wanted him to squat down 

"Then ask." Bakugou did move from his position

"I don't think you would like it if I asked my question out loud." Toshi said

Midoriya was reorganizing the stuff on the coffee table.

"Ask your damn question or go away." Bakugou looked down at her

"If you say so." She shrugged

"Why where you staring at Midoriya while he was turned around?"

Bakugou face heated up as he got angry.

Midoriya heard the question, but he acted like he didn't.

(Why should Kacchan stare at me while I'm turned away? Was he staring my... butt?) Midoriya blushed

(No, there's no way he would be staring at my butt. That's crazy, I'm just jumping to conclusions.)

"You little shit!" Bakugou yelled

Toshi ran off giggling
"No, I'm to young to die!" Toshi joked

Bakugou chased her, Midoriya chased him.

~Ah shit, here we go again.~

"Kacchan she's just a kid don't actually hurt her! Be careful!" Midoriya was pretty far behind

"Ha, ha, you can't get me!" Toshi taunted Bakugou

"I'm gonna get you! You little twerp! Bakugou said as caught up to her

"Ha, ha! Got you!" Bakugou picked her up

Toshi ran pretty far before Bakugou caught her.

Midoriya got to the stair door, but didn't open it because he heard them talking.

"Ahh! Nooo! I'm too cute, don't hurt me." Toshi joked

"I'm not actually going to kill you. Come on, that idiot Deku is supposed to be watching you he can't do that if you're running away all the damn time." Bakugou told her

"Then don't chase me and I won't run away."

"Just c'mon." Bakugou frowned at her

"I won't go unless you give me a piggyback ride." Toshi said

"You have legs, walk." Bakugou said

"But I want a piggyback!" Toshi demanded

"We don't always get what we want." Bakugou frowned
(I would know.)

Midoriya mentally laughed at their argument.

"I'll walk if you let me hold your hand." Toshi tried to bargain

"This isn't a compromise. No." Bakugou said

"Midoriya let's me hold his hand." Toshi said

"He's just to nice to say no." Bakugou said

(Did Kacchan just... kinda compliment me?)

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