Aw, Bakugou is hugging Midoryia.

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Bakugou was awoken by the sound of sniffles.

He looked over to his bed and didn't see Toshi in it. He panicked for a second until he saw movement by the sliding balcony door.

"Why are you out of bed?" He asked softly getting out of bed

"I -it's... no -nothing." Toshi wiped her face

(She's crying? I don't know how to deal with this! Maybe I should wake Deku up.)
Bakugou looked at Midoriya, but decided against it

(I can comfort a kid way better than Deku can.)

He walked over to Toshi and sat beside her. It's dark, but from the moonlight he could tell tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked her in a low voice

"...I- I'm fine."
<<Why does he care?>>

(Most people don't actually mean that when they say it.)

"Lying's bad you know." Bakugou said

~Layin's bad M'kay.~

"I... m- miss my... parents." She told him

She still didn't look at him.

(So that's why she's crying. Shit I don't really know what to say, stupid Deku would be better at this.)

"It's fine to miss your parents, everyone does." He awkwardly patted her on the back

(Maybe that will work. It sounds like something Shitty Hair or the Nerd would say.)

"Wha- What if I... I never s- see them... again?" She asked

"You will, shitty Deku made you a promise remember?" Bakugou crossed his arms

"Yea, I remember..."

"I know y- you don't like it, but c- can... I hug you?" Toshi looked at Bakugou

Bakugou was confused at first then he rolled his eyes.

"Just don't tell anyone." Bakugou let Toshi hug him

He hugged her back.

(Why do I feel like I would run through a brick wall for her?)

They sat like that for a while until Toshi fell asleep. Bakugou carefully got up with her in his arms and put her back in bed. Then He walked over to Midoriya's bed and saw he had moved too "his" side somehow.

(Really Deku, that was my side!)

Bakugou didn't feel like rolling him over so he just climbed over Midoriya and laid on the wall side.

Bakugou was face to face with Midoriya.
The moonlight shone on his face highlighting his freckles.

(I haven't looked at him this close in a long time. His eyelashes are long for a dudes...) Bakugou rubbed his thumb over Midoriya's cheek

Midoriya leaned into the touch and his lips pulled into a small smile.

(N- No.)

Bakugou jerked his hand back and turned over facing to wall. The realization hitting him.

(Damnit, I like Deku! Ugh, why him? Couldn't it have been anyone else?) Bakugou went to punch the wall

But didn't want to wake anyone up so he stopped his arm from making contact with the wall.

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