Toshi's Training.

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"Hey guys!" Toshi greeted them

"I didn't hear any screaming." Bakugou said

"Did everything go okay?" Midoriya leaned down on one knee

"Yea, I just answered a bunch of questions about my quirk." Toshi smiled

"Did you tell Aizawa Sensei about your other quirk?" Midoriya asked

"Yea, he was so surprised he actually changed his facial expression." Toshi giggled

"Toshi it's time to start practice using your quirk." Aizawa yelled from where he was

He was updating the other teachers.

"Okay!" Toshi said

"Here, will you hold your All Might plushie for me?" She handed it to Midoriya

"Of course." Midoriya took the toy with a small smile and stood back up

Midoriya and Bakugou stood near the gym door out of the way.

"You think she can do it?" Bakugou asked

"I'm not sure, but she's very determined." Midoriya said

(Kind of like Kacchan is.)
(Kinda like Deku.)

Toshi tried her hardest. The other teachers gave her pointers and advice, but she was still having trouble. Midoriya tried to in courage her, but she was still struggling. Bakugou mostly yelled at her and she yelled back.

"It won't work!" Toshi clenched her fists from frustrated

"Then try harder brat!" Bakugou yelled

"You try ripping a whole in space and time then tell me how easy it is!" Toshi stomped around

"She's brave yelling at young Bakugou." All Might said to Midoriya

"They yell at each other from time to time. I think that's what makes them so similar other than looks." Midoriya laughed a little

(: She is similar to Young Bakugou, but she has green eyes and freckles like Midoriya. So... no it doesn't work like that.:) All Might shook his head at the thought

It was getting late. Toshi has been working all day. She made a little progress.

"Ugh why can't I get it to work when I want too, but when I don't really need it my quirk works just fine!" Toshi crossed her arms was irritated with herself

"I think that's enough for today." Aizawa told her

"But I want to keep going." Toshi uncrossed

"You don't need to push yourself to hard young Toshi." All Might said

"Sweetie, if you work yourself to death you can't preform properly and no one likes a lousy performer. " Midnight said

"There's always tomorrow kid." Present Mic said

"Okay... we'll try tomorrow then." Toshi said with sad tone

"Here's All Might back." Midoriya handed her the plush

"I'm hungry again." Toshi took the plushie and hugged it

"I'll get you some dinner when we get to the dormitory." Midoriya said

"Can you carry me my legs and arms are tired." Toshi rubbing her eyes

(She's so tired.)
"Ye-" Midoryia was going to pick her up

"No. I lost our race this morning remember? The deal was, loser carries her annoying ass back to the dorms." Bakugou picked her up instead

Midoriya didn't argue. They both walked out of the gym.

"What an interesting relationship those boys have." Recovery Girl said

"Seems Bakugou is quite fond of the girl, though he won't admit it." Cementoss said

"He's also fond of Midoriya right Eraser?" Present Mic nudged Aizawa

"Well Midoriya is crushing hard on Bakugou." Midnight said

"Did everyone catch this before I did?" All Might asked

"You tend to drop the ball when I comes to this, sonny." Recovery Girl said

"If young Midoriya and Bakugou like each other why aren't they dating. Maybe I should talk to Midoriya about it." All Might questioned

"Midoriya is too scared to tell Bakugou." Aizawa started

"And Bakugou to hardhead to admit he wants to groove with Midoriya." Present Mic finished Aizawa sentence

"Complicated." Cementoss said

"More annoying then complicated." Aizawa said

"Who do you think would top?" Midnight smirked

"Don't talk about the students like that." All Might said

"It's bound to happen." Midnight rolled her eyes

"They're children." Aizawa said

"No, they're teenagers." Midnight said

"Ew! I don't wanna hear that." Present Mic put his headphones on

Midnight scoffed.

"Lets just leave." Recovery Girl said

"Lets." Aizawa agreed

When Midoriya, Bakugou, and Toshi made it back to the dormitory dinner was already done. Kirishima and Kaminari teased Bakugou about carrying Toshi, he yelled at them of course. Midoriya and Toshi asked if Yaoyorozu would make her some more clothes since Midoriya didn't get a chance to washer the ones she traveled with. Yaoyorozu agreed happily. Everyone ate and one by one they all went to bed.

Bakugou and Midoriya slept in the same bed, it was still awkward, but Toshi slept soundly in Bakugou's bed.

The next day went smoothly. Toshi tried her hardest, again she made little progress and was left frustrated again. The teachers said she'll get better with practice. Midoriya and Bakugou showed her how they use their quirks.

They even demonstrated a fight for her. They had multiple sets, Midoriya won some, but Bakugou won most. They went back to the dorm and repeated their nightly routine.

Aizawa told them to let Toshi rest for a day since she had been working hard for two days.

Monday they had class so Toshi stayed in the teachers lounge hanging out with different teachers throughout the day.

Midoriya picked her up after he was finished with class. Bakugou was waiting outside the school building for them.

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